כל המתאבל על ירושלים זוכה ורואה בשמחתה
Watch LIVE at the Kosel HERE
-Sterling Place-R' Stein shiur for ladies on Tisha B'Av shabbos afternoon at 5:00 pm in sterling forest shul
-BMG: Minyanim in all Botei Medrashim Maariv Motzei Shabbos 9:30 pm
minyanim from Bais Shalom will take place in Bais Aaron Shachris 8:30
-Lutzk: Rabbi Moshe Homnick will be speaking on Tisha Bav Night For 1 hour after Kinus. Tisha Bav Day שחרית 9:00
-Ateres Yeshhaya 10:40 Motzei Shabbos Drasha Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen
Khal bais Pinchos 10:40 pm Drasha Rav Aaron Zuckerman
-Bais Mordechai Maariv 9:25
-Kol Aryeh- Maariv 9:30 video day 2:30 &4:30 in simcha hall men & ladies
-KZY Rav Gissinges shul. Motzai Shabbos 10:30 Reb Yitzchok Sorotzkin.
Sunday afternoon 6:30 Reb Gershon Ribner.
-B"M Zichron Yoel 1014 Lawrence, speaking Rav Leib Gruber, Rav Yankel Berman.
-Hearthstone- CCHF Tisha b'av event For women Motzoai shabbos 10:15 pm at 978 Claire, $12.
-Ohr Matisyohu: After Eicha - shiur Kamtza bar Kamtza. After Kinnos - CCHF videos and more.
Tisha B'Av day
-Kinus Tisha B'Av- for Women and girls at Yeshiva Ktana hall 10:15 am-1:15 pm
-KNA Roberts shul project inspire 1:03 Chofetz Chim HF 2pm and 4pm
-CCHF events Men at Tiferes Bis Yaakov 613 Oak st. 2:45 and 5:00 pm
For Women at the Lkwd Cheder hall 725 Vasser 2:30, 6:15 program B 4:30
-Hearthstone- CCHF Tisha b'av event For women Motzoai shabbos 10:15 pm at 978 Claire, $12.
-Lev Avos Day Tisha bav children learning with rabbi shmell followed by childrens c.c. Video @2:30
-Day Camp-Tisha B'av day camp at Camp Ahavas Torah for all boys 2-4 pm The living Torah museuam special show about the Churban. Non campers pay $10 at 299 Monmouth
-Lakewood Immediate care will be open 2:30- 6:30 pm on Tisha B'Av day at former Shop Rite plaza 1700 Madison avenue
Kosher West open from 1- 9 pm, GG from 1-10pm
-Pine River village Tisha B'Av event in the shul 5:30 36 Goldcrest seakers:
Rav Feivel Cohen, Rav Yitzchock Dwek, Rav Nosson Levin, Rav Ytzchock Sorotzkin.
Motzei Tisha B'Av
10:15-11:30 Seder limud in BMG Zemel bm(Mizrach BM) lizchus Rav Matisyahu ben Ettil L'refuah shleima. 11:30 Divrei HIsoirerus Harav Yisrael Neuman shlita
Mr. Clipper barbershop will be open 10:00 pm Clifton Avenue location only.
Watch LIVE at the Kosel HERE
-Sterling Place-R' Stein shiur for ladies on Tisha B'Av shabbos afternoon at 5:00 pm in sterling forest shul
-BMG: Minyanim in all Botei Medrashim Maariv Motzei Shabbos 9:30 pm
minyanim from Bais Shalom will take place in Bais Aaron Shachris 8:30
-Lutzk: Rabbi Moshe Homnick will be speaking on Tisha Bav Night For 1 hour after Kinus. Tisha Bav Day שחרית 9:00
-Ateres Yeshhaya 10:40 Motzei Shabbos Drasha Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen
Khal bais Pinchos 10:40 pm Drasha Rav Aaron Zuckerman
-Bais Mordechai Maariv 9:25
-Kol Aryeh- Maariv 9:30 video day 2:30 &4:30 in simcha hall men & ladies
-KZY Rav Gissinges shul. Motzai Shabbos 10:30 Reb Yitzchok Sorotzkin.
Sunday afternoon 6:30 Reb Gershon Ribner.
-B"M Zichron Yoel 1014 Lawrence, speaking Rav Leib Gruber, Rav Yankel Berman.
-Hearthstone- CCHF Tisha b'av event For women Motzoai shabbos 10:15 pm at 978 Claire, $12.
-Ohr Matisyohu: After Eicha - shiur Kamtza bar Kamtza. After Kinnos - CCHF videos and more.
Tisha B'Av day
-Kinus Tisha B'Av- for Women and girls at Yeshiva Ktana hall 10:15 am-1:15 pm
-KNA Roberts shul project inspire 1:03 Chofetz Chim HF 2pm and 4pm
-CCHF events Men at Tiferes Bis Yaakov 613 Oak st. 2:45 and 5:00 pm
For Women at the Lkwd Cheder hall 725 Vasser 2:30, 6:15 program B 4:30
-Hearthstone- CCHF Tisha b'av event For women Motzoai shabbos 10:15 pm at 978 Claire, $12.
-Lev Avos Day Tisha bav children learning with rabbi shmell followed by childrens c.c. Video @2:30
-Day Camp-Tisha B'av day camp at Camp Ahavas Torah for all boys 2-4 pm The living Torah museuam special show about the Churban. Non campers pay $10 at 299 Monmouth
-Lakewood Immediate care will be open 2:30- 6:30 pm on Tisha B'Av day at former Shop Rite plaza 1700 Madison avenue
Kosher West open from 1- 9 pm, GG from 1-10pm
-Pine River village Tisha B'Av event in the shul 5:30 36 Goldcrest seakers:
Rav Feivel Cohen, Rav Yitzchock Dwek, Rav Nosson Levin, Rav Ytzchock Sorotzkin.
Motzei Tisha B'Av
10:15-11:30 Seder limud in BMG Zemel bm(Mizrach BM) lizchus Rav Matisyahu ben Ettil L'refuah shleima. 11:30 Divrei HIsoirerus Harav Yisrael Neuman shlita
Mr. Clipper barbershop will be open 10:00 pm Clifton Avenue location only.