Chasuna: Wolpin Chasuna tonight in Bais yaakov hall on James street. Chupa at 7:00 simchas chosson v'kallah 10:00
Vort: R' Menachem Speigel making a vort for his daughter at Ateres Leah Hall (Ohr Elchanan) 805 Cross St. at 8:30 PM.
Engaged: Hachoson Chaim Y. Neuman ben R' Yaakov Gershon to Hakallah Chaya Trenk from Lakewood
Vort: R' Menachem Speigel making a vort for his daughter at Ateres Leah Hall (Ohr Elchanan) 805 Cross St. at 8:30 PM.
Engaged: Hachoson Chaim Y. Neuman ben R' Yaakov Gershon to Hakallah Chaya Trenk from Lakewood