Why Are Baltimore Weddings Made in Lakewood?
From Baltimorejewishlife.com
Dear Baltimore Friends, amush
I know I speak for hundreds if not thousands. We love our friends, neighbors, and families. We want to be at their simchos. But we hate driving three hours each way to Lakewood to get to the simchos. More and more of us are choosing to make Baltimore simchos in Lakewood. Why? I am told it is based on cost. What wedding halls in Lakewood offer cannot be matched by halls in Baltimore. Apparently, the halls offer amazing packages for everything: hall, food, band, video, photographer, etc.-all in one great deal.
Here’s the question.
We have many great caterers in Baltimore and many great people who provide all services for weddings.
Can someone in this mix figure things out so that Lakewood will stop being a place for Baltimore simchos?
Why should anyone ‘force’ their families, friends, and neighbors to have to drive six hours there and back to get to a Baltimore simcha? Six hours times how many guests? Gas, tolls, etc. The baalei simcha save money but the guests spend more in time and money. It’s a bit of madness, isn’t it?
The following is perhaps extreme but maybe Baltimore Rabbanim should come out and say that they will no longer attend Baltimore simchos that are made in Lakewood and discourage the Baltimore community to do the same.
We have all become accustomed to schlepping to Lakewood for Baltimore weddings.
But this should no longer be considered normal.
Can a local caterer/wedding planner out there save us?
A Concerned Baltimorean
From Baltimorejewishlife.com
Dear Baltimore Friends, amush
I know I speak for hundreds if not thousands. We love our friends, neighbors, and families. We want to be at their simchos. But we hate driving three hours each way to Lakewood to get to the simchos. More and more of us are choosing to make Baltimore simchos in Lakewood. Why? I am told it is based on cost. What wedding halls in Lakewood offer cannot be matched by halls in Baltimore. Apparently, the halls offer amazing packages for everything: hall, food, band, video, photographer, etc.-all in one great deal.
Here’s the question.
We have many great caterers in Baltimore and many great people who provide all services for weddings.
Can someone in this mix figure things out so that Lakewood will stop being a place for Baltimore simchos?
Why should anyone ‘force’ their families, friends, and neighbors to have to drive six hours there and back to get to a Baltimore simcha? Six hours times how many guests? Gas, tolls, etc. The baalei simcha save money but the guests spend more in time and money. It’s a bit of madness, isn’t it?
The following is perhaps extreme but maybe Baltimore Rabbanim should come out and say that they will no longer attend Baltimore simchos that are made in Lakewood and discourage the Baltimore community to do the same.
We have all become accustomed to schlepping to Lakewood for Baltimore weddings.
But this should no longer be considered normal.
Can a local caterer/wedding planner out there save us?
A Concerned Baltimorean