-Wedding: Klein Ansbacher at Ateres Chana hall
-Wedding: Kanarek Kipper at Neemas Hachaim hall, Lakewood
-vort of Chosson Elisha Bernstein & Kallah Rikki Serebrowski will be tonight in Willow Court shul, 1445 14th St., Lakewood, from 7-10pm.
-Vort Chosson Yitzy Dick ben R' Shlomo to Kallah bas r' Dovid Abraham at Lakewood Commons Simcha hall 7:30- 10:30 pm
-Vort Chosson ben R' Basch (lkwd Cheder) at R' Forsheimer's shul
-Wedding: Kanarek Kipper at Neemas Hachaim hall, Lakewood
-vort of Chosson Elisha Bernstein & Kallah Rikki Serebrowski will be tonight in Willow Court shul, 1445 14th St., Lakewood, from 7-10pm.
-Vort Chosson Yitzy Dick ben R' Shlomo to Kallah bas r' Dovid Abraham at Lakewood Commons Simcha hall 7:30- 10:30 pm
-Vort Chosson ben R' Basch (lkwd Cheder) at R' Forsheimer's shul