-Chasunah: Feinroth- Orbach at Ateres Chana hall
-Meyer- Lubin at Fountain Ballroom at Lakewood Cheder
-Engaged:Chana Zylberberg is engaged to Chaim Berman
-Parlor Meeting for Alexander Zusha ben Aliza Zusha Rosenblum who was injured in a car accident after returning from entertaining the sick he needs rachmei shamayim and the family needs money to survive. Please come to 2 Sienna way Lakewood from 8 pm to midnight hot fleishig buffet.
-Meyer- Lubin at Fountain Ballroom at Lakewood Cheder
-Engaged:Chana Zylberberg is engaged to Chaim Berman
-Parlor Meeting for Alexander Zusha ben Aliza Zusha Rosenblum who was injured in a car accident after returning from entertaining the sick he needs rachmei shamayim and the family needs money to survive. Please come to 2 Sienna way Lakewood from 8 pm to midnight hot fleishig buffet.