-Vort: Hachosson Elazar Kohn (Passaic) to Hakallah Chani Lerner Bas R' Sender Vort tonight @ 7:00 pm in their home 52 Roselle Ct. Lakewood, NJ
- Vort: Hachosson Eliezer Horowitz to Hakallah bas R' Dovid Levovitz at Bnos Bracha hall 1665 Corporate Road West Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
-Chasuna Hirschberg- Stern Ateres Chana hall @ Bais Faiga
- Vort: Hachosson Eliezer Horowitz to Hakallah bas R' Dovid Levovitz at Bnos Bracha hall 1665 Corporate Road West Lakewood, NJ 8:00 pm
-Chasuna Hirschberg- Stern Ateres Chana hall @ Bais Faiga