Sunday 62°HI Precipitation 0% Mostly sunny and warmer
- @LkwdChaveirim PESACH CAR CLEANING: Turn off interior lights before u start, so u don't have to introduce yourself to 1 of our dedicated members
- Chometz free car cleaning 10 locations around Lakewood 7325030312
-Car Cleaning: 330 Miller Rd Off Hope Chapel (Freidmans Yeshiva) Car-35$ Van- 45$ Call Yossi 848-240-8621
- Car cleaning across from Kol shimshon at Squankum and Shafto
-ATAF car cleaning we come to you 732-707-1227
- @LkwdChaveirim PESACH CAR CLEANING: Turn off interior lights before u start, so u don't have to introduce yourself to 1 of our dedicated members
- Chometz free car cleaning 10 locations around Lakewood 7325030312
-Car Cleaning: 330 Miller Rd Off Hope Chapel (Freidmans Yeshiva) Car-35$ Van- 45$ Call Yossi 848-240-8621
- Car cleaning across from Kol shimshon at Squankum and Shafto
-ATAF car cleaning we come to you 732-707-1227