Channel: Hefkervelt
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Residents frustrated with lack of extra Trash Pick up before Pesach

It's an embarrassment to the Lakewood township committee which is predominantly frum to not arrange for an additional garbage pick up erev yomtov instead of making people walk their garbage cans( like a dog )for blocks and blocks. 
This is ludicrous any other town or city has additional pick ups erev pesach Lakewood isn't bigger then boro park ,Williamsburg, monsey or Monroe who each service the community with an additional pick up. Perhaps we don't pay enough taxes And this year they're giving out tickets if u dare schlepp it in back of your car Catch 22 gotcha situation. 
Unless your one of the VIP citizens who get a personalized xtra pick up erev yomtov. It all boils down to who you know  Like everything else on this town 
It's the season to clean house that goes for the township committee as well time for term limits the current boys are way too comfortable!
Get rid of the chometz!

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