-Vort: Chosson Mendel Zaks to Kallah Ahuva Neiman bas R' Moishe At Ateres Yeshaya hall 7:30 pm 908 E County Line rd, Lakewood, NJ
Emergency parlor meetings for Almana and 11 Yesomim Zichron Feivel:
-29 Montana Jackson 7:30 pm
-621 West Kennedy Blvd at 8:00 PM
-35 Rena Ln in Sterling place from 8-11PM
-Coventry Sq at the Clubhouse
-Tallymawr, Toms River
-Seder Limud tonight lezchus Rav Refoel Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein 11:15- 12:15 Zemel Bais medrash BMG.
Emergency parlor meetings for Almana and 11 Yesomim Zichron Feivel:
-29 Montana Jackson 7:30 pm
-621 West Kennedy Blvd at 8:00 PM
-35 Rena Ln in Sterling place from 8-11PM
-Coventry Sq at the Clubhouse
-Tallymawr, Toms River
-Seder Limud tonight lezchus Rav Refoel Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein 11:15- 12:15 Zemel Bais medrash BMG.