David Gruman for township committee
New Leadership Delivering Results for ALL OF Our Community
Dovid is a 3rd generation Lakewood resident. His grandfather was a talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler Zatzal. His father was born in Lakewood in Paul Kimball hospital and Dovid has been living in Lakewood his entire life. He studied in BMG for 9 Years. Dovid is married with 3 children and is a homeowner in Somerset Walk. He is proud to own his own business that is headquartered right here in Lakewood's industrial park.
Growing up in Lakewood Dovid has seen much change in this town. He
remembers driving on Route 9 South 15 years ago in middle of the day with no traffic. Lakewood is a beautiful town with a lot to offer and is a great place to live and raise a family. Dovid would like to show our residents just how much better it can be. Make Lakewood Greater Again!
Dovid’s agenda would include lowering property tax, promoting traffic solutions that include opening, widening and resurfacing our current roads and reassessing any new zoning changes in order to control density without denying homeownership opportunities
David Gruman –Platform
Halt zoning changes – until we develop a smarter plan
A temporary freeze on any zoning variances for a minimum of 90 days until we develop a plan that will allow us to move forward responsibly. Approvals will still continue in zones where the required minimum land is satisfied. Change of use or any subdivions not meeting the current zoning requirements will not be heard during this period.
Stop all spot zoning
Continue the “no rezone” policy implemented by the township committee in 2015. We will not entertain any planning or zoning changes on the township committee.
We will set up an oversight committee to reevaluate all current and future members of the zoning and planning board to ensure they have all of the people in Lakewood’s best interest in mind, and that there aren’t any conflicts of interest.
Once we establish a plan forward we will start to hear all cases with the following requirements as a minimum:
Require all new projects to install sidewalks as well as roads to benefit the town to improve the flow of traffic in general.
Never closing any potential streets or thoroughfares to potentially disrupt future road plans
Every development or future construction planning requiring a rezone or variance will need to be assessed if this will benefit the town both financially and by adding to the quality of life.
As well as other rules will be set into place before reopening hearings on zoning/ planning changes.
Traffic and Roads
We will set a priority on 3 key factors
We will open up as many township roads as possible to create alternate thoroughfares for all the residents of Lakewood, while attempting to insure minimal negative impact on current residents quality of life due to increased vehicular traffic on said roads.
We will evaluate all township roads to determine which roads should be widened in order to improve traffic flow.
We will expedite the resurfacing of all township roads that are in disrepair. The condition of some of our roads is unacceptable, as is the pace of the township’s current resurfacing program. We must make this a priority.
We will work with the county and state to do the same(open, widen, resurface) where applicable on the roads under their jurisdiction
We will work to lower all residents’ property taxes especially our senior residents
We will make sure all township expenses and contracts are put out for a proper bid and all contracts are renegotiated to ensure our tax dollars are not being wasted. This includes all township expenses as well as department of public works.
Seniors who cost the town less money (no school aged children not requiring schooling,busing or special needs services) will receive pay lower taxes
A full reassessment into the department of public works to stop all wasteful spending.
Business development in Lakewood
We will help small business start and continue to grow here in Lakewood by finding space to relocate all schools currently in industrial park to develop more space for commercial use.
We will give small business incentives to move and grow here in Lakewood
This will stimulate the local economy and offer jobs to our residents.
Lakewood Is a great place we intend to Make it even Greater!
Vote For David Gruman on June 6th
David Gruman for township committee
New Leadership Delivering Results for ALL OF Our Community
Dovid is a 3rd generation Lakewood resident. His grandfather was a talmid of Rav Aharon Kotler Zatzal. His father was born in Lakewood in Paul Kimball hospital and Dovid has been living in Lakewood his entire life. He studied in BMG for 9 Years. Dovid is married with 3 children and is a homeowner in Somerset Walk. He is proud to own his own business that is headquartered right here in Lakewood's industrial park.
Growing up in Lakewood Dovid has seen much change in this town. He

Dovid’s agenda would include lowering property tax, promoting traffic solutions that include opening, widening and resurfacing our current roads and reassessing any new zoning changes in order to control density without denying homeownership opportunities
David Gruman –Platform
Halt zoning changes – until we develop a smarter plan
A temporary freeze on any zoning variances for a minimum of 90 days until we develop a plan that will allow us to move forward responsibly. Approvals will still continue in zones where the required minimum land is satisfied. Change of use or any subdivions not meeting the current zoning requirements will not be heard during this period.
Stop all spot zoning
Continue the “no rezone” policy implemented by the township committee in 2015. We will not entertain any planning or zoning changes on the township committee.
We will set up an oversight committee to reevaluate all current and future members of the zoning and planning board to ensure they have all of the people in Lakewood’s best interest in mind, and that there aren’t any conflicts of interest.
Once we establish a plan forward we will start to hear all cases with the following requirements as a minimum:
Require all new projects to install sidewalks as well as roads to benefit the town to improve the flow of traffic in general.
Never closing any potential streets or thoroughfares to potentially disrupt future road plans
Every development or future construction planning requiring a rezone or variance will need to be assessed if this will benefit the town both financially and by adding to the quality of life.
As well as other rules will be set into place before reopening hearings on zoning/ planning changes.
Traffic and Roads
We will set a priority on 3 key factors
We will open up as many township roads as possible to create alternate thoroughfares for all the residents of Lakewood, while attempting to insure minimal negative impact on current residents quality of life due to increased vehicular traffic on said roads.
We will evaluate all township roads to determine which roads should be widened in order to improve traffic flow.
We will expedite the resurfacing of all township roads that are in disrepair. The condition of some of our roads is unacceptable, as is the pace of the township’s current resurfacing program. We must make this a priority.
We will work with the county and state to do the same(open, widen, resurface) where applicable on the roads under their jurisdiction
We will work to lower all residents’ property taxes especially our senior residents
We will make sure all township expenses and contracts are put out for a proper bid and all contracts are renegotiated to ensure our tax dollars are not being wasted. This includes all township expenses as well as department of public works.
Seniors who cost the town less money (no school aged children not requiring schooling,busing or special needs services) will receive pay lower taxes
A full reassessment into the department of public works to stop all wasteful spending.
Business development in Lakewood
We will help small business start and continue to grow here in Lakewood by finding space to relocate all schools currently in industrial park to develop more space for commercial use.
We will give small business incentives to move and grow here in Lakewood
This will stimulate the local economy and offer jobs to our residents.
Lakewood Is a great place we intend to Make it even Greater!
Vote For David Gruman on June 6th