Article posted on Takebacklakewood
Did the Russians hack the Presidential Election??
TLS (which propagates fake news) is trying valiantly to hack the Lakewood Township Committee elections!
With just 2 weeks to go to the Lakewood Primaries which will end Mike Delia and Ray Coles reign, TLS - the Pravda propaganda arm of the establishment is out in full force.
See here where they permanently disabled a feature on their site to avoid letting people realize that the Lakewood Shopping Village was a fiasco. They consistently ban IP's of comments that they don't agree with and block anyone who presents an opposing view on Twitter.
There was also the clear pay for play when Mayor Coles inexplicably revived an old dead billboard ordinance in order to curry favor with TLS - in exchange he was given a free 'ask the mayor' column as a communication channel tying to make it seem like he cares about Lakewood.
Now, they are at it again. In November 2016, TBL emailed TLS asking for advertising rates. There was no response.
On May 18, 2017, TLS posted an ad for Mike Delia and Mike Berman. 'Vote for experience' it says. Hmm. Bad experience?? 'Straight talk and Accountability'. Hmm, we haven't seen that until now!
Today, TLS went all out with spin articles for both Delia and Coles. Read them and laugh. Then think for a minute about how they are blatantly snubbing all of the residents of Lakewood who have made their voices clear. They are selling out our town all for the sake of the few elite who have urged them to ignore the needs of the residents in favor of the powerful developers.
Since then, three of the new candidates contacted TLS asking to advertise for their political campaign. All were ignored. Perhaps they are just behind on responding to emails? One candidate called and was told that they don't do political ads. After numerous ignored emails and calls and voicemails, it's apparent that TLS will not accept ads Read more at TBL
Did the Russians hack the Presidential Election??
TLS (which propagates fake news) is trying valiantly to hack the Lakewood Township Committee elections!
With just 2 weeks to go to the Lakewood Primaries which will end Mike Delia and Ray Coles reign, TLS - the Pravda propaganda arm of the establishment is out in full force.
See here where they permanently disabled a feature on their site to avoid letting people realize that the Lakewood Shopping Village was a fiasco. They consistently ban IP's of comments that they don't agree with and block anyone who presents an opposing view on Twitter.
There was also the clear pay for play when Mayor Coles inexplicably revived an old dead billboard ordinance in order to curry favor with TLS - in exchange he was given a free 'ask the mayor' column as a communication channel tying to make it seem like he cares about Lakewood.
Now, they are at it again. In November 2016, TBL emailed TLS asking for advertising rates. There was no response.
On May 18, 2017, TLS posted an ad for Mike Delia and Mike Berman. 'Vote for experience' it says. Hmm. Bad experience?? 'Straight talk and Accountability'. Hmm, we haven't seen that until now!
Today, TLS went all out with spin articles for both Delia and Coles. Read them and laugh. Then think for a minute about how they are blatantly snubbing all of the residents of Lakewood who have made their voices clear. They are selling out our town all for the sake of the few elite who have urged them to ignore the needs of the residents in favor of the powerful developers.
Since then, three of the new candidates contacted TLS asking to advertise for their political campaign. All were ignored. Perhaps they are just behind on responding to emails? One candidate called and was told that they don't do political ads. After numerous ignored emails and calls and voicemails, it's apparent that TLS will not accept ads Read more at TBL