Unfortunately, during this election season, those with a nefarious agenda have not refrained from spreading lies and misrepresentations. They have also conveniently lumped together all the local candidates running independently, thus attempting to apply guilt by association. By doing so, they didn’t need to do more than condemn one particular candidate for mesirah and the like, because that label was then easily applied to the other candidates.
This is shameful. By doing this, those who claim to be standing up for Torah and bnei Torah besmirched the good names of fine people who never hurt anyone.
Let’s take a look at one candidate named Dovid Gruman. Dovid has lived in Lakewood all his life. His zaide was a talmid muvhak of Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l. Dovid hails from a family that is well known for its Torah ideals. Dovid is an ehrliche fellow, a hardworking taxpaying resident of Lakewood. Dovid decided to run for a seat on the Township Committee. He launched a positive campaign, seeking to address the issues on the minds of Lakewood residents.
Before he knew it, Dovid was attacked by those with an agenda as “unqualified.” He was lumped together with three other candidates he has nothing to do with. A letter was released against these candidates. Dovid’s name was included.
To the dismay of many, it has since been discovered that Dovid never even received as much as a phone call from anyone associated with the letter to find out who he is or why he is running.
In fact, when Dovid approached one of the people whose name was on the letter, the signatory expressed shock that “Dovid Gruman” was in fact him. The signatory related that he had relied on others who released the letter. They had assumed that he was a member of a different Gruman family.
In short, the letter besmirching and defaming Dovid Gruman was released without any knowledge of who Dovid Gruman is. It is fairly easy to find out who people are, what they do, what they are about, where they daven, and who they associate with. In this case, a letter was released against a local ben Torah without even the most basic research being done beforehand.
How can anyone trust people who have no compunction about defaming, besmirching and tarnishing the reputation of good, upstanding people?
The truth speaks for itself.
This is shameful. By doing this, those who claim to be standing up for Torah and bnei Torah besmirched the good names of fine people who never hurt anyone.
Let’s take a look at one candidate named Dovid Gruman. Dovid has lived in Lakewood all his life. His zaide was a talmid muvhak of Rav Aharon Kotler zt”l. Dovid hails from a family that is well known for its Torah ideals. Dovid is an ehrliche fellow, a hardworking taxpaying resident of Lakewood. Dovid decided to run for a seat on the Township Committee. He launched a positive campaign, seeking to address the issues on the minds of Lakewood residents.
Before he knew it, Dovid was attacked by those with an agenda as “unqualified.” He was lumped together with three other candidates he has nothing to do with. A letter was released against these candidates. Dovid’s name was included.
To the dismay of many, it has since been discovered that Dovid never even received as much as a phone call from anyone associated with the letter to find out who he is or why he is running.
In fact, when Dovid approached one of the people whose name was on the letter, the signatory expressed shock that “Dovid Gruman” was in fact him. The signatory related that he had relied on others who released the letter. They had assumed that he was a member of a different Gruman family.
In short, the letter besmirching and defaming Dovid Gruman was released without any knowledge of who Dovid Gruman is. It is fairly easy to find out who people are, what they do, what they are about, where they daven, and who they associate with. In this case, a letter was released against a local ben Torah without even the most basic research being done beforehand.
How can anyone trust people who have no compunction about defaming, besmirching and tarnishing the reputation of good, upstanding people?
The truth speaks for itself.