-Jackson Dorm Ban: Attorneys deny all anti-Semitism in lawsuit
-Bobov 45 Rebbe in Lakewood today 2-5 pm at 227 Autumn Rd.
-Mincha at Bobov B"M 6:00 pm 902 E. County Line
-Lakewood BOE: votes to rehire attorney who has sued district 80 times
-Yeshiva Ktana of Lakewood Grand Carnival at Gazebo Park Westgate 3:00 pm
-2 Egg throwing incidents Friday night at Joe Parker and Lanes Mill while walking to shul 7:30 pm
-Lakewood Bikur Cholim 36 hr $500,000 Fundraiser: Donate HERE
-LPD 3 officers honored at Rutgers University
-Bobov 45 Rebbe in Lakewood today 2-5 pm at 227 Autumn Rd.
-Mincha at Bobov B"M 6:00 pm 902 E. County Line
-Lakewood BOE: votes to rehire attorney who has sued district 80 times
-Yeshiva Ktana of Lakewood Grand Carnival at Gazebo Park Westgate 3:00 pm
-2 Egg throwing incidents Friday night at Joe Parker and Lanes Mill while walking to shul 7:30 pm
-Lakewood Bikur Cholim 36 hr $500,000 Fundraiser: Donate HERE
-LPD 3 officers honored at Rutgers University