-Vort: Shmuel Freilich to Kallah Nechama Winsbacher B''M Bais Elimelech 105 E -Harvard Lakewood, NJ 6:30 pm
-Vort: Chosson Shalom Saltz to Kallah Nechama Engelson
-Chasuna: Horowitz Franklin Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Yeshiva Lev Aryeh BBQ event at 1172 Coughlin street Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Chai Lifeline Lakewood Ocean point/ Lakeview reception at 30 Seapoint Drive -7:00 pm
-Vort: Chosson Shalom Saltz to Kallah Nechama Engelson
-Chasuna: Horowitz Franklin Ateres Chana Hall Bais Faiga
-Yeshiva Lev Aryeh BBQ event at 1172 Coughlin street Lakewood 7:00 pm
-Chai Lifeline Lakewood Ocean point/ Lakeview reception at 30 Seapoint Drive -7:00 pm