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Letter: להחזיר עטרה ליושנה

This is a letter given to me to forward by a very choshuve member of our community that told me he is not ready to speak out publicly yet. He would like these sentiments to be known anonymously.
H. Herskowitz
Please Take Back Lakewood

It is with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes that I pen these thoughts.
I arrived in Lakewood nearly 40 years ago and never thought that I would ever co have the need to share these feelings with you. I have been a proud member of the Lakewood Yeshivah community for nearly 40 years and sadly what was once a real IHR HATORAH with the ideals and Hashkofos of Reb Ahron ZTL has become a commercialized IHR HATORAH using its very crown and glory to advance monetary gain and financial power. Please don't get me wrong, I am all in favor of financial gain. However I am not a Yeshivah and my job is to grow my business to its greatest potential. The job of the manhigim of BMG is to grow the yeshiva to its greatest heights in Torah and avodas Hashem, while focusing on the great mesorah and Torah Hashkofos of Hagaon Hatzadik Reb Ahron ZTL.
Ironically my suggestion to "Take Back Lakewood" is not addressed to the masses and to those who write in the local blogs.

I am addressing this to the Roshei Hayeshiva who have allowed this great Torah institution to be hijacked by those who do NOT have the TRUE Torah Hashkofos of the rich mesorah that was once Lakewood IHR HATORAH
Certainly those who have tried to use our political system to benefit the yeshiva were with good intention as financial support was needed. However like so many before them they failed to remember the very reason they were involving themselves in politics was only to make certain that our voice was heard and the rights of the Frum community were protected.

Sadly the protectors became opportunists and took advantage of a coalition of votes giving them power to take the very funds and influence meant for the community and use it for their own financial gain. Their personal favors cost us all many possible benefits we could have had, and also placed a huge tax burden on our community.
All this Lmaan Hashem? Lmaan Hatora?

So many controversial issues over the years that have caused irreparable chillul hashem. 
Cedar Bridge 
Clifton ave School
Shopping malls 
Oak street corridor 
10th street ball field 

Blue Claws

CHEMED funding
Changing zoning laws and zones to build multi family houses for yourselves and your donors.
Helping the developers to build and destroy the quality of life 
And the list goes on and on 
Are these changes for our benefit?
Have our taxes gone through the roof with the the current leadership? 
Have our streets been paved?

Are the streets even passable most times of the day?
Money has flowed into our community and been used for a select few who have exploited us for their own benefit all while our cost of living has gone up as we subsidized their lifestyle 
Please "TAKE BACK LAKEWOOD" and bring back the glory and crown of Torah that was once OUR IHR HATORAH 

We don't need to help BMG get university status......
It reminds me of Theodore Herzl who wanted the Eretz Hakadosha to be counted as just another nation amongst nations.  
We didnt listen to the insane logic to vote for a Governer who was promoting Toeva marriages with a logic, cloaked as the nochosh did, that it is Hakoras hatov.
I highly doubt that this "Vaad " has the same Hashkofos as the Gaon and Tzadik Reb Ahron ztl. I doubt they ever think about what would Reb Ahron have done?

Just "TAKE BACK LAKEWOOD" and Lakewood will take you back. 

I beseech you all, 
Please don't lose the respect of the very people you are representing in the name of Torah. 

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