By: Harold Herskowitz
For the last few months the Lakewood community has been the focus of media attention throughout New Jersey. The comments on social media are frightening. We are portrayed as tax evading swindlers. We have been portrayed as opportunistic carpetbaggers that are taking advantage of an entire region with only our own needs in mind. It has been a very rough few months. The rhetoric could sometimes remind us of old Nazi propaganda films . Images from Der Ewige Jude of Jews working towards world domination are not so different than the images being portrayed about the Lakewood Jewish community. These recent events emboldened the already numerous Neo Nazi organizations in our area . Flyers were distributed on cars warning of the awful influence the Jewish community has brought to New Jersey. The reaction of our self appointed VAAD was swift. They quickly blamed a few "Bad Apples", effectively removing themselves from any accusations.
The community response to the VAAD response was mostly unanimous. We were shocked and dismayed that in interview after interview there was no defense of the mostly innocent victims of an overzealous prosecution of mistakes made reporting income. No VAAD member mentioned that many of the accused were truly people facing financial or medical hardships and had done nothing wrong intentionally. Whether the reason was fear of their own prosecution or a hesitancy to question people they need favors from, the end result was they did not do their job. A community VAAD is supposed to be there for the communities needs, and they failed miserably.
After the fallout the VAAD decided to reinvent themself. They hired a public relations agency to polish their image . On a daily basis magazine articles were now being published making the VAAD seem relevant and caring. VAAD members on Hatzola were interviewed. The benefits of VAAD related businesses such as CHEMED were mentioned. The historical significance of the leaders of the VAAD and their integral bond with Lakewood history was discussed . These articles were meant to be read by all local residents as well as the orthodox community to remind everyone of the benefits and accomplishments of the VAAD.
A few weeks later, the country became obsessed with the events of an Alt Right wing march in Charlottesville to protest the removal of confederate statues . Many of the participants chanted old Nazi slogans such as "Blood and Soil" and "Jews will not replace us".
The response from Donald Trump was tepid and seemed to defend some of those marching with the Neo Nazis. Alternate speeches were given, only to once again be wiped away with the next days questionable speech. Jewish media responded by either condemning or defending the President's response. Pundits squared off all over social media, and the overall orthodox response was still supportive of the President. The Lakewood VAAD felt that they should speak up as well and decided to condemn the Presidential response to the Charlottesville protest.
They were obviously trying to seem relevant as leaders of the Lakewood community. Their PR firm must have told them that showing concern about Anti Semitism would put them in a positive light. As leaders they should show their outrage .
Many people in the Lakewood Orthodox community guffawed at the statement. They never saw a VAAD statement about any presidential actions before. Some people in the Orthodox community were outraged that the VAAD would antagonize the President. Many are still very supportive of Trump and feel we need to show our support . Whatever one may think of the VAAD position on Donald Trump's reaction to Charlottesville, one thing is abundantly clear. This statement is the most disingenuous, hypocritical statement the VAAD ever made.
The VAAD , has promoted rapid unsustainable growth, favoritism, and a general disdain for simple law and order when it is convenient for themselves. Along with their leadership the Anti Semitic rhetoric in our area has grown. ---
Ultimately it is the VAAD's actions , with the help of certain township committee members and members of zoning and planning that do their bidding that have caused so much hatred towards the Lakewood Jews. How dare they make any demands about anti semitic rhetoric from anyone , when they are stoking the fires of anti semitism themselves. They have used all resources for themselves. They have allowed others to take advantage of taxpayers as long as they can get what they want. They have caused everyone to hate us, and they refuse to stop what is causing us to be hated more every day.
For many years people have been ranting at me that the VAAD and some people in our government are stealing our money. I used to say I highly doubt anyone is actually stealing from us. Now I realize they have done so much worse. They ruined our image in Lakewood and have caused a chillul hashem that resonates throughout the world. No public relations firm. No paying off reporters from the Asbury Park press will change any of that . If they are truly concerned about Anti Semitism , they know what needs to be done to stop giving fodder to those that hate us. But money for the chosen few is obviously more important.
For the last few months the Lakewood community has been the focus of media attention throughout New Jersey. The comments on social media are frightening. We are portrayed as tax evading swindlers. We have been portrayed as opportunistic carpetbaggers that are taking advantage of an entire region with only our own needs in mind. It has been a very rough few months. The rhetoric could sometimes remind us of old Nazi propaganda films . Images from Der Ewige Jude of Jews working towards world domination are not so different than the images being portrayed about the Lakewood Jewish community. These recent events emboldened the already numerous Neo Nazi organizations in our area . Flyers were distributed on cars warning of the awful influence the Jewish community has brought to New Jersey. The reaction of our self appointed VAAD was swift. They quickly blamed a few "Bad Apples", effectively removing themselves from any accusations.
The community response to the VAAD response was mostly unanimous. We were shocked and dismayed that in interview after interview there was no defense of the mostly innocent victims of an overzealous prosecution of mistakes made reporting income. No VAAD member mentioned that many of the accused were truly people facing financial or medical hardships and had done nothing wrong intentionally. Whether the reason was fear of their own prosecution or a hesitancy to question people they need favors from, the end result was they did not do their job. A community VAAD is supposed to be there for the communities needs, and they failed miserably.
After the fallout the VAAD decided to reinvent themself. They hired a public relations agency to polish their image . On a daily basis magazine articles were now being published making the VAAD seem relevant and caring. VAAD members on Hatzola were interviewed. The benefits of VAAD related businesses such as CHEMED were mentioned. The historical significance of the leaders of the VAAD and their integral bond with Lakewood history was discussed . These articles were meant to be read by all local residents as well as the orthodox community to remind everyone of the benefits and accomplishments of the VAAD.
A few weeks later, the country became obsessed with the events of an Alt Right wing march in Charlottesville to protest the removal of confederate statues . Many of the participants chanted old Nazi slogans such as "Blood and Soil" and "Jews will not replace us".
The response from Donald Trump was tepid and seemed to defend some of those marching with the Neo Nazis. Alternate speeches were given, only to once again be wiped away with the next days questionable speech. Jewish media responded by either condemning or defending the President's response. Pundits squared off all over social media, and the overall orthodox response was still supportive of the President. The Lakewood VAAD felt that they should speak up as well and decided to condemn the Presidential response to the Charlottesville protest.
They were obviously trying to seem relevant as leaders of the Lakewood community. Their PR firm must have told them that showing concern about Anti Semitism would put them in a positive light. As leaders they should show their outrage .
Many people in the Lakewood Orthodox community guffawed at the statement. They never saw a VAAD statement about any presidential actions before. Some people in the Orthodox community were outraged that the VAAD would antagonize the President. Many are still very supportive of Trump and feel we need to show our support . Whatever one may think of the VAAD position on Donald Trump's reaction to Charlottesville, one thing is abundantly clear. This statement is the most disingenuous, hypocritical statement the VAAD ever made.
The VAAD , has promoted rapid unsustainable growth, favoritism, and a general disdain for simple law and order when it is convenient for themselves. Along with their leadership the Anti Semitic rhetoric in our area has grown. ---
Ultimately it is the VAAD's actions , with the help of certain township committee members and members of zoning and planning that do their bidding that have caused so much hatred towards the Lakewood Jews. How dare they make any demands about anti semitic rhetoric from anyone , when they are stoking the fires of anti semitism themselves. They have used all resources for themselves. They have allowed others to take advantage of taxpayers as long as they can get what they want. They have caused everyone to hate us, and they refuse to stop what is causing us to be hated more every day.
For many years people have been ranting at me that the VAAD and some people in our government are stealing our money. I used to say I highly doubt anyone is actually stealing from us. Now I realize they have done so much worse. They ruined our image in Lakewood and have caused a chillul hashem that resonates throughout the world. No public relations firm. No paying off reporters from the Asbury Park press will change any of that . If they are truly concerned about Anti Semitism , they know what needs to be done to stop giving fodder to those that hate us. But money for the chosen few is obviously more important.