-Vort: Hachosson Nissie Tillim ben R' Yochenon to Kallah Rochel Leah Segal Bas R' Alter Yisrael at the West Gate Simcha hall 8:00 pm- 10:00 pm
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Lowenthal to Kallah Levovitz at Willow Court Shul 8:00 pm
-Vort Kallah Bas R' Y . T Tillim at Ateres Yeshaya hall 7:00 pm
-Chasuna: pollak- Karmel Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Lowenberg- Elbogen Lake Terrace Hall
-Chaunah Bichler- Weiss Fountain Ballroom, Lakewood Cheder
725 Vassar Avenue, Lakewood NJ
Dubi Feiner ben R' Usher (Lakewood) to Devoiry Dachs (Chicago)
Moshe Jaraslowitz (Lakewood) To kallah Rokwsky (Passaic)
-Vort: Hachosson Dovid Lowenthal to Kallah Levovitz at Willow Court Shul 8:00 pm
-Vort Kallah Bas R' Y . T Tillim at Ateres Yeshaya hall 7:00 pm
-Chasuna: pollak- Karmel Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Chasuna: Lowenberg- Elbogen Lake Terrace Hall
-Chaunah Bichler- Weiss Fountain Ballroom, Lakewood Cheder
725 Vassar Avenue, Lakewood NJ
Dubi Feiner ben R' Usher (Lakewood) to Devoiry Dachs (Chicago)
Moshe Jaraslowitz (Lakewood) To kallah Rokwsky (Passaic)