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We would like to announce that the first meeting of the Vaad Ltzorchei Tzibur took place last night.  We are currently a 6 member  group of businessmen and longtime residents of Lakewood and one now resident of Toms River. Each member has no conflicts of interest in real estate or any personal business contacts with any politicians. Every member wishes to remain anonymous at this time. Members were asked to join based on their reputations in servicing the klal and chesed work and their involvement in the Torah community.  Every member pays property taxes and has no contracts with any government agencies. After much discussion it was decided to make our first public endorsements in the upcoming election. We consulted with agreed upon daas torah. They also would like to remain anonymous and have no financial gain in any of the decisions that were made.

While we all agreed that at this time our suggestion for governor is not going to change the lives  of our residents dramatically, it is imperative that we as a known Torah community vote for a candidate that has values closer to those of our community. It is a close race and some of our members are connected in Republican circles. We feel that Kim Guadagno would appreciate our communities support and help us in our future efforts to deal with over development and traffic issues. She also has promised to help Lakewood attract and  build businesses that can reduce our tax burden. She also understands the special situation of our school system and will work with us to create a fair system that can reduce our school tax.

For Township Committee we have decided that while Mike Delia has not shown that he has the welfare of the residents in mind, we feel that he is the better alternative at this time. We were assured that he is willing to work with committeman Akerman to slow the rapid growth and have the welfare of the klal and our Torah community in mind.

Mike Berman has promised that he wants to make sure infrastructure is built before any more substantial building is allowed. He also will work with committeeman Akerman to make sure that our town is liveable and safe. Both of our choices for Committee were republicans and our hope is that Mr. Akerman would be Mayor in the coming year and have an agenda to repair some of the damage done by Mayor Coles and his special interests.
While we do not feel that our community will be able to stop Bob Singers election in a Republican majority county, it was unanimously decided with consultation of Daas Torah, that as a Torah community it is forbidden to help such a person. We are asking that you abstain from voting for him.
Both Republican Assemblymen are worthy candidates
Sean Kean has been in office for many years and is dedicated to helping Lakewood overcome its challenges
Edward Thomson is well educated in governmental procedures and funding. We highly recommend you vote for both of them.
We will be sending out the full list of all of our suggested candidates. We hope that we were able to help you decide which candidates are the best for all of us and not a select few.
We hope this is a new beginning for Lakewood and we will be working to help the new residents moving in to surrounding towns.

Hoping for a bright future,


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