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“Nes Chof Hei” Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

By: Yehuda Zayit

In News that can only be dubbed as classic Chanuka vintage, Turkey’s President announced that it will move its embassy to East Jerusalem, the future capital of Palestine – Just as you thought Trump’s Yerushalayim proclamation pushed Israel past the finish line. 
The timing here is not happenstance – the “pach shemen” or cruse of oil’s message, resonates, Bayomim hohaim Bazman Hazeh.
World events don’t hinge on political clout – The menorah exhorts us all, when Hashem wills it so, it’s lights out! Jewish history plays tricks on the dead – the likes of Golda Meir, Moshe Dayan and the rest who lived from the immediate moment.
The Hasmonean legacy of “veal hamilchamos she-asisa laavoseinu” debunks air force general, Tamir Eshel’s assertions that the new F-134 plane yields “unimaginable military power”.
It intones, Israel military Braggadocio is to reality, what Babe Ruth is to Shakespeare. The I.D.F. is currently eager to share the wealth of culture it espouses with the Torah oriented. Instead Chanukah’s revelation intervenes: Put aside the F-135. Why not share the stealth – the knowledge that a higher source writes the script of civilization in the Mideast – not some top Israeli brass from the land of bilk and money. 

A few years ago, they interviewed an archeologist on Kol Yisrael about the Hasmonean period. Afterwards they asked, “aich ata chogeig Chanukah?” To which, he replied “Ani lo chogeig” – I don’t celebrate Chanuka. “Lomoh atah lo chogaig,” they asked. “Mipnai sheanachnu hifsadnu– because we lost!” he said. At least he didn’t fool himself into thinking he had commonality with Yehuda Hamaccabi, like the Israeli army does. The I.D.F.’s culture lost back then to those who invoked – “Mi Komocha Baeilim Hashem”. With Hashem’s help, the oskei torah will prevail in our times as well.
Yehuda Zayit

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