Channel: Hefkervelt
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Melava Malka Motzei shabbos Parshas Vayigash 5778 Lakewood, NJ

-Melava Malka Khal Tiferes Shimon at 299 Monmouth Avenue 8:45 pm B'hishtatfus Rav Shlomo Miller shlita, Guest speaker Rav Shmuel Halberstadt shlita R' Yitzchok Aryeh Epstein shlita

-Melava Malka Khal Zichron Yaakov Rav Gissinger shul at the KZY Simcha hall 7:30 pm Guest speaker Harav Shlomo Feivel Schustal shlita (approx 9:25 pm) Kumzitz with Yehuda Aderet 8-8:45pm

-Parlor meeting for R' Bentzion Oring of Yerushalayim at 39 Trudy Lane Prospect Square 8:30 pm Hot milchig melavah malkah will be served

-Melava Malka for Yeshiva Shearis Hapleitah of Baltimore at 440 Glen Road Jackson, NJ 8:30 pm joined by Rav Shimon Hirsch Menahel, Rabbi Boruch Braun 4th grade Rebbe

-Siyum Hashas Melava Malka Sharei Torah Utfilah  Rav Yisrael Panski 213 Pine street at the River Terrace 1094 River Avenue, Divrei Bracha Rosh Yeshiva Harav Yeruchom Olshin Shlita 8:00 pm

Parlor Meeting for Bais Medrash LTorah of Monsey (Rav Feivelsohns) at the home of Rav Avrohom Kammer shlita 8 Royal Avenue Lakewood 8:00pm Hot Fleishig Buffet

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