A dedicated Lakewood morah sent home a note with the children ahead of the snow storm. She informed the kinderlach that they can call in to a phone conference for davening and for Parsha. The morah is obviously teaching the girls Hebrew and sprinkled some Hebrew words on the note. Little did this Morah know that this small note that was sent home to maybe 20 kids was posted on the internet and gone viral on social media. Besides for the fact that a private note was publicized the haters were quick to the trigger poking fun at the use of some words in Lashon hakodesh. It gave fodder to the Lakewood bashers on a bored snowy day. What is even more alarming how social media become the place where private encounters, conversations or actions of unassuming people are publicized for the world to see. We get an enjoyment and amused watching clips of people in an embarrassing or compromising moment. People are being recorded without their knowledge in a public place minding their own business and before they know it, their actions become someone's enjoyment.
welcome to social media, setting the new norms of society.
welcome to social media, setting the new norms of society.