Mr. Louie Follman thrown off the Planning Board by Ray Coles after voting against the Master plan
As expected the Vaad gave the instructions and the committeemen followed.
Once again Ray Coles the Democrat was voted in 3-2 (including his own vote) for Mayor and Menashe miller who is up for reelection was voted in as Deputy Mayor. Committeeman Albert Akerman voted against Ray Coles as did Mike Delia but he said it was nothing personal. When Ray was sworn in bob singer complimented his tan coles thanked the commitee for pushing off the meeting a whole week.
Steven Secear was reappointed as Township attorney.
For the Panning Board The following were appointed:
John franklin, Israel Greenberger, shain , Chaim Sabel see HERE ,
justin flancebaum. TBL said Franklin and Grunberger both resigned today but are placeholders while they search new members.
Mr. Louie Follman one of the sane voices who looked out for Lakewood residents and tried to salvage as much from the ill advised masterplan was not reappointed to the board.
An Outraged Resident spoke up at the meeting and told the members today is not a day of celebration but a day of shame. their family members sould come out and visit them in Prison for all the Blood money they got with the Oak street core and other developments were people in Lakewood are getting killed in the streets.
As expected the Vaad gave the instructions and the committeemen followed.
Once again Ray Coles the Democrat was voted in 3-2 (including his own vote) for Mayor and Menashe miller who is up for reelection was voted in as Deputy Mayor. Committeeman Albert Akerman voted against Ray Coles as did Mike Delia but he said it was nothing personal. When Ray was sworn in bob singer complimented his tan coles thanked the commitee for pushing off the meeting a whole week.
Steven Secear was reappointed as Township attorney.
For the Panning Board The following were appointed:
John franklin, Israel Greenberger, shain , Chaim Sabel see HERE ,
justin flancebaum. TBL said Franklin and Grunberger both resigned today but are placeholders while they search new members.
Mr. Louie Follman one of the sane voices who looked out for Lakewood residents and tried to salvage as much from the ill advised masterplan was not reappointed to the board.
An Outraged Resident spoke up at the meeting and told the members today is not a day of celebration but a day of shame. their family members sould come out and visit them in Prison for all the Blood money they got with the Oak street core and other developments were people in Lakewood are getting killed in the streets.