Lakewood taxpayers will have to pay more taxes to cover the Fire Budget for 2018. Despite the fact that there is a $29 million surplus in the township municipal budget. The proposed budget is $6,310,957.00. Last years budget was $5,019,295 a tax increase of 1.3 million dollars over last years budget despite all the new construction. Residents will have a chance at the polls in Feburary to approve or disapprove the budget. The Fire District part of the local taxes is 2.36%. Even if its voted down the township can make a small modification and pass it. Last year It was originally $5,029,295 but was defeated at the polls. The town amended by a reduction in expenditures of $10,000 to result in a budget of $5,019,295. The assesment in calculating the taxes are.070 for every $100,000.