Minyanim for Mincha and Yom Kippur Katan in Lakewood
Kol Shimshon
Somerset Walk 1:20 pm
Hearthstone Tiferes Shmuel 1:15 (941 Princewood Ave)
- Chateau Park 1:10
-Lev Avos 14th street 1:20 pm
-B"M Westgate 1:15 pm
-Alumni 1:45pm
-B"M Kelmwoods Westgate 2:45pm
-Satmar BM every bottom of the hour
Kol Shimshon
Somerset Walk 1:20 pm
Hearthstone Tiferes Shmuel 1:15 (941 Princewood Ave)
- Chateau Park 1:10
-Lev Avos 14th street 1:20 pm
-B"M Westgate 1:15 pm
-Alumni 1:45pm
-B"M Kelmwoods Westgate 2:45pm
-Satmar BM every bottom of the hour