-Chasuna: Uhr- Rosenblum Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder
-Chasuna: Blochsberg- Moniker Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Briller- Parnes Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Parlor meeting benefiting Mifal org at 87 Rena Ln 8:00pm -11:00 pm hot buffet. Kumzitz with Shaya Roth
-Chasuna: Blochsberg- Moniker Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga
-Chasuna: Briller- Parnes Neeimas Hachaim hall
-Parlor meeting benefiting Mifal org at 87 Rena Ln 8:00pm -11:00 pm hot buffet. Kumzitz with Shaya Roth