In a blatant act of Chutzpah the Lakewood Township committee voted to approve the Fire budget that was rejected by the Taxpayers of Lakewood in a official election. Too bad for all those who schlepped out to vote on Motzei shabbos February 17 in the snow, your vote does not count.
Mayor Ray Coles said he wont even make a reduction and leave the budget as is. The result is a tax increase of 1.3 Million dollars a 33% increase over last years budget. The Mayor said he discussed the budget with the fire commissioners and there was nothing for them to cut. They couldn't even cut $1!. Budgets should not be voted on said the mayor if you dont like it vote out the commissioners.
Sorry Mr. Coles but the Lakewood taxpayers are a bit smarter than you, they voted for the commissioners and still voted NO on the budget. They watched the fire budget increase year after year with out of control spending and no oversight. Lakeeood's fire tax increase is the highest in the Jersey Shore srea. Money did not go only for basic infrastructure fixes like adding fire hydrants. The increase went to add more paying fire fighters from the Volunteer pool and to create new paying job positions for cronies and other fringe benefits.
At the Township meeting a resident pointed out the lack of Fire Hydrants in a area that had a fire in Lakewood during the snow storm. The commissioner said that' s exactly why they have to increase the budget.
A look at the recent spending shows the money went to create paying jobs, high Legal fees and other spending on apparatus not more hydrants.
Mayor Ray Coles said he wont even make a reduction and leave the budget as is. The result is a tax increase of 1.3 Million dollars a 33% increase over last years budget. The Mayor said he discussed the budget with the fire commissioners and there was nothing for them to cut. They couldn't even cut $1!. Budgets should not be voted on said the mayor if you dont like it vote out the commissioners.
Sorry Mr. Coles but the Lakewood taxpayers are a bit smarter than you, they voted for the commissioners and still voted NO on the budget. They watched the fire budget increase year after year with out of control spending and no oversight. Lakeeood's fire tax increase is the highest in the Jersey Shore srea. Money did not go only for basic infrastructure fixes like adding fire hydrants. The increase went to add more paying fire fighters from the Volunteer pool and to create new paying job positions for cronies and other fringe benefits.
At the Township meeting a resident pointed out the lack of Fire Hydrants in a area that had a fire in Lakewood during the snow storm. The commissioner said that' s exactly why they have to increase the budget.
A look at the recent spending shows the money went to create paying jobs, high Legal fees and other spending on apparatus not more hydrants.