Rabbi Yanofsky was the longtime head of the Lakewood Seminary in Lakewood, NJ. Rabbi Yanofsky was a resident of Lakewood, where he was a member of the Bais Medrash Govoah kollel for many years before entering the world of chinuch habanos. He was a gabbai for many years at Bais Medrash Govoah’s Bais Shalom Bais Medrash.
Rabbi Yanofsky was a son of Rabbi and Mrs. Moish and Sharon Yanofsky. His father, Reb Moish, is the former longtime beloved principal at Machon Bais Yaakov in Boro Park.
Rabbi Yanofsky, throughout his years, always carried himself with dignity and humility, possessing the aidelkeit and feinkeit of a true ben Torah, values that were conveyed to others over the years.
Rabbi Yanofsky recently celebrated the engagement of his son, Yecheskel Yanofsky, to Sara Sochet.
During the last few years, Rabbi Yanofsky battled difficult illness and endured tremendous yissurim during this period.
Rabbi Yanofsky’s family and his many friends have been plunged into mourning with his passing.
He is survived by his wife, Chaya Yanofsky; his parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Mosih Yanofsky of Brooklyn; his siblings, Rabbi Shimon Yanofsky, Dr. Noson Yanofsky, R’ Meir Leib Yanofsky and Mrs. Golda Baila Feigenbaum; his wonderful children, and extended family.