-Vort: Hachosson Shloimy Sturman ben R' Moshe to Hakallah Ruchama Fishoff at Ohr Tuvia 969 East End Ave 8PM
-Vort: Hachosson Mendel Silber to Hakallah bas R' Shmuel Yosef Bittersfeld at B'M Bais Nachum 31 Arosa Hill, Lakewood, NJ
-Vort: Hachosson Shimi Meisels to Hakallah Ester Miller at Circa, 415 Cedar Bridge Ave Lakewood NJ @ 7:15pm.
-Rav Yankel Yankelowitz Shlita of Stamford Yeshiva will deliver a shiur b’inyan Heseiba at Chevra Lomdei Torah - 615 5th St Lakewood 9:30 pm
-Rav Moshe Hamburger will be giving a Shiur on practical Halachos of the Seder, following the 8:45 Maariv tonight at Khal Bnei Torah 802 Ridge, Lakewood, NJ
-Rav Yitzchok Oelbaum will give a shiur on the Hagadda shel Pesach 9:45 at Chesterfield Commons shul
-Rav Simcha Bunim Paler, R"Y Mkor Chaim wil deliver a shiur on Inyana Deyoma at B"M Lev Avos 232 Iris at 9:30pm Followe by Maariv
-Rav Aryeh Sherwinter will say a Shiur on Hagada Shel Pesach 10:50 pm in Lakewood Commons shul
-Vort: Hachosson Mendel Silber to Hakallah bas R' Shmuel Yosef Bittersfeld at B'M Bais Nachum 31 Arosa Hill, Lakewood, NJ
-Vort: Hachosson Shimi Meisels to Hakallah Ester Miller at Circa, 415 Cedar Bridge Ave Lakewood NJ @ 7:15pm.
-Rav Yankel Yankelowitz Shlita of Stamford Yeshiva will deliver a shiur b’inyan Heseiba at Chevra Lomdei Torah - 615 5th St Lakewood 9:30 pm
-Rav Moshe Hamburger will be giving a Shiur on practical Halachos of the Seder, following the 8:45 Maariv tonight at Khal Bnei Torah 802 Ridge, Lakewood, NJ
-Rav Yitzchok Oelbaum will give a shiur on the Hagadda shel Pesach 9:45 at Chesterfield Commons shul
-Rav Simcha Bunim Paler, R"Y Mkor Chaim wil deliver a shiur on Inyana Deyoma at B"M Lev Avos 232 Iris at 9:30pm Followe by Maariv
-Rav Aryeh Sherwinter will say a Shiur on Hagada Shel Pesach 10:50 pm in Lakewood Commons shul