Birchas Ilanos Lakewood 5778- 2018
Trees are blossoming again in Lakewood, here is a list of fruit trees in Lakewood from Misaskim This Year Rosh Chodesh Iyar is this coming Sunday and Monday. According to the Psak of Harav Shmuel Kamentzky shlita one is permitted to say the Bracha on shabbos additionally if the blossoming is late one can say the bracha after chodesh Nissan since it is considered tekufas Nissan.
Trees are blossoming again in Lakewood, here is a list of fruit trees in Lakewood from Misaskim This Year Rosh Chodesh Iyar is this coming Sunday and Monday. According to the Psak of Harav Shmuel Kamentzky shlita one is permitted to say the Bracha on shabbos additionally if the blossoming is late one can say the bracha after chodesh Nissan since it is considered tekufas Nissan.