ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT meeting MAY 9, 2016 7:00 pm
Appeal # 3585, letter from Ms. Weinstein requesting conditions of a resolution be modified.
Appeal # 3917 – Primeland Holdings, James Street, Block 366 Lot 1, M-1 zone. Use variance
to allow duplexes and an existing commercial warehouse to remain on site.
Appeal #3936 - Mordechai Zafrani – 464 Manetta Avenue, Block 236 Lot 12, R-10 zone.
Use variance to construct a duplex on a 9,000 square foot lot where 10,000
is required.
Appeal # 3947 – Elad Gebus, Oakland Street & Cherry Street, Block 189 Lots 128, 180 & 181
R-10 zone. 4 duplexes
Appeal # 3949 – Moshe Blech, 135 Forest Drive, Block 12.01 Lot 8. To construct a single
Family home with variance requested for side yard setback; required 10 & 15 –
Proposed 10 & 5.
Appeal # 3950 – Yechezkal Eider, Forest Drive, Block 12.01 Lot 24. To construct a single
family home with variance requested for side yard setback required 10 & 15 –
proposed 10 & 5.
Appeal # 3952 – Lakewood Investment, LLC, James Street, Block 344 Lots 1.01 & 1.02. Use
variance for duplex housing.
Appeal # 3955 – Obed Gonzalez, Florence St. & Evergreen Blvd. Block 1093 Lot 10, B-5 zone.
Use variance to construct a duplex.
Appeal # 3958 – Success Homes Capital, Pine Street, Block 855.01 Lots 21, 34.03, 36 & 37,
M-2 & R-20 zone. Use variance to construct 8 single family homes.
Appeal # 3959 – Moshe Lankry – 409 1st Street, Block 73 Lot 6, R-OP Zone. Use variance for
4 family house.
Appeal # 3961 – Tower Builders, 415 E. 5th Street, Block 236 Lot 19, R-7.5 zone. Proposed
duplex on an undersized lot – required 10,000 square feet – proposed 9,888.
Appeal # 3962 - David Donner, 825 East End Avenue, Block 208 Lot 175, R-15 zone. To
construct a duplex. Side yard setback variance requested for 7 ½ feet where
10 feet is required.
Appeal # 3963 – Mordechai Eichorn, 85 Williams Street, Block 420.01 Lot 28, R-7.5 and
Hospital Support Zone. Subdivision
Appeal # 3964 – Madison Holdings, LLC, Block 236 Lots 23 & 24, R-7.5 Use variance for
Appeal # 3965 – D & L Management, East County Line Road, Block 104.02 Lot 9, OT Zone.
Use variance to construct stacked townhomes.
Appeal # 3758A - Lakewood Realty Associate., New Hampshire Avenue, Block 1160.03 Lots 44.01 & 44.02 – Resolution to approve 2 – one year extensions until June, 2018.
Appeal # 3940 – Yosef Weiss, 236 Clover Street, Block 536 Lot 181, R-40 zone. Resolution to approve a use variance to construct a triplex.
Appeal # 3954 – Belz Center of Lakewood, Grove Springs court & Grove Drive, Block 1081
Lot 12.01. Resolution to approve the construction of a 4,200 square foot clubhouse building.
Appeal # 3897A – Napco Construction, LLC – Manetta Avenue – Block 243 Lots 34, 35, 36 & 38, R-7.5 zone. Use variance approved. Subdivision approved
Appeal # 3951 – 525 Chestnut LLC, 525 Chestnut Street Block 1159 Lot 41.01, R-20 zone. Resolution to approve a use variance to construct 2 duplexes.
Appeal # 3953 – Mordechai Eichorn, 1515 Buttell Avenue, Block 420.01 Lot 4, R-7.5 zone.
Resolution to approve the construction of a duplex on an undersized lot – required 10,000 – approved 9,733 square feet.
Appeal # 3956 – Chanoch Herskowitz, 850 Morris Avenue, Block 426 Lot 8, R-12 zone. Resolution to approve a side yard setbacks for new single family home.
Appeal # 3957 – Tiferes Chaim, 924 New Hampshire Avenue, Block 1159 Lots 1 & 57 zone. Resolution to approve an existing office building to remain on the same lot as the approved school.
Appeal # 3585, letter from Ms. Weinstein requesting conditions of a resolution be modified.
Appeal # 3917 – Primeland Holdings, James Street, Block 366 Lot 1, M-1 zone. Use variance
to allow duplexes and an existing commercial warehouse to remain on site.
Appeal #3936 - Mordechai Zafrani – 464 Manetta Avenue, Block 236 Lot 12, R-10 zone.
Use variance to construct a duplex on a 9,000 square foot lot where 10,000
is required.
Appeal # 3947 – Elad Gebus, Oakland Street & Cherry Street, Block 189 Lots 128, 180 & 181
R-10 zone. 4 duplexes
Appeal # 3949 – Moshe Blech, 135 Forest Drive, Block 12.01 Lot 8. To construct a single
Family home with variance requested for side yard setback; required 10 & 15 –
Proposed 10 & 5.
Appeal # 3950 – Yechezkal Eider, Forest Drive, Block 12.01 Lot 24. To construct a single
family home with variance requested for side yard setback required 10 & 15 –
proposed 10 & 5.
Appeal # 3952 – Lakewood Investment, LLC, James Street, Block 344 Lots 1.01 & 1.02. Use
variance for duplex housing.
Appeal # 3955 – Obed Gonzalez, Florence St. & Evergreen Blvd. Block 1093 Lot 10, B-5 zone.
Use variance to construct a duplex.
Appeal # 3958 – Success Homes Capital, Pine Street, Block 855.01 Lots 21, 34.03, 36 & 37,
M-2 & R-20 zone. Use variance to construct 8 single family homes.
Appeal # 3959 – Moshe Lankry – 409 1st Street, Block 73 Lot 6, R-OP Zone. Use variance for
4 family house.
Appeal # 3961 – Tower Builders, 415 E. 5th Street, Block 236 Lot 19, R-7.5 zone. Proposed
duplex on an undersized lot – required 10,000 square feet – proposed 9,888.
Appeal # 3962 - David Donner, 825 East End Avenue, Block 208 Lot 175, R-15 zone. To
construct a duplex. Side yard setback variance requested for 7 ½ feet where
10 feet is required.
Appeal # 3963 – Mordechai Eichorn, 85 Williams Street, Block 420.01 Lot 28, R-7.5 and
Hospital Support Zone. Subdivision
Appeal # 3964 – Madison Holdings, LLC, Block 236 Lots 23 & 24, R-7.5 Use variance for
Appeal # 3965 – D & L Management, East County Line Road, Block 104.02 Lot 9, OT Zone.
Use variance to construct stacked townhomes.
Appeal # 3758A - Lakewood Realty Associate., New Hampshire Avenue, Block 1160.03 Lots 44.01 & 44.02 – Resolution to approve 2 – one year extensions until June, 2018.
Appeal # 3940 – Yosef Weiss, 236 Clover Street, Block 536 Lot 181, R-40 zone. Resolution to approve a use variance to construct a triplex.
Appeal # 3954 – Belz Center of Lakewood, Grove Springs court & Grove Drive, Block 1081
Lot 12.01. Resolution to approve the construction of a 4,200 square foot clubhouse building.
Appeal # 3897A – Napco Construction, LLC – Manetta Avenue – Block 243 Lots 34, 35, 36 & 38, R-7.5 zone. Use variance approved. Subdivision approved
Appeal # 3951 – 525 Chestnut LLC, 525 Chestnut Street Block 1159 Lot 41.01, R-20 zone. Resolution to approve a use variance to construct 2 duplexes.
Appeal # 3953 – Mordechai Eichorn, 1515 Buttell Avenue, Block 420.01 Lot 4, R-7.5 zone.
Resolution to approve the construction of a duplex on an undersized lot – required 10,000 – approved 9,733 square feet.
Appeal # 3956 – Chanoch Herskowitz, 850 Morris Avenue, Block 426 Lot 8, R-12 zone. Resolution to approve a side yard setbacks for new single family home.
Appeal # 3957 – Tiferes Chaim, 924 New Hampshire Avenue, Block 1159 Lots 1 & 57 zone. Resolution to approve an existing office building to remain on the same lot as the approved school.