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Reb Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz addresses issue of accepting kids into school in lakewood

"Lakewood celebrates Tu Bshvat today I want to make a shehechiyanu on our Peiros one in which no child will ever be rejected again. Leave the money to us. Lets treat our children the way we are supposed to treat our children. We all know each other and care for each other we just have to make it work. shechiyanu vekiyemanu lazman hazeh"

At the appreciation event for Reb Shlomo Chaim Kanarek the guest speaker was Rav Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz. He opened up with the tzaar he has witnessed after spending a shabbos with almanos and following a hospital visit with his father in law Harav Chaim Yisrael ben Chana Tzirel Belsky shlita who needs a yeshuah and Refuah. But, that he he said is not something we can control its the derech of hashem. He went on to discuss the man made tzaar and tears of parents that cry out every day that they cant get their kids into school. Or about the girl who feels she will not get a shidduch. A day dosent go by that he is not contacted by crying parents to help them get their child into school. Yehoshua Ben Gamla was the one who made sure that every child in klal yisrael learned Torah. Since then throughout the generations, rebbeim were moser nefesh and schools were opened to teach and transmit Torah to the next generation. We have a machla in lakewood,
no out of town community would let this happen no where else and at no other time of history was this problem as big as it is in Lakewood. We have a beautiful town no scene can describe the love of teaching or the ahavas haTorah of the youngeleit. walk in the streets and stores of Lakewood and you see the havtacha of veatem tihyu li mamleches kohanim vegoy kadosh. Why is it when it comes to schools we become desensitized and numb? even Roshei yeshiva are turned down with the slight of hand when they call to get a child into school. Not looking to blame the roshei mosdos or anyone but we have a problem. He than mentioned Rav Shlomo Chaim Kanarek risk his reputation his finances, yeshivos because he couldn't stand the sight of acheinu bnei yisrael cry. The blame lies on our shoulders we have unfortunately created a new torah with distorted ani maamins. Ani maamin that I am better than you that i have chumras that your children are not good enough for mine, that there is no room for individuality, that schools are only for perfect families. Isn't that kefira?  Tonight let us declare the truth that hashem loves every yid individually. The notion that some of us or holier or better than others is primitive. He than lamented us for not opening up to our neighbors for the bein adam lechaveiro how can you tell someone I  love you but I hate your children. Our elitisim has destroyd our ruchniyus, We should say Ani Maamin that every child is precious how can we say some of our children dont belong in our schools. Let us respect neshomos not robots let us not crush every kid into a box even if hes sticking out. What bothers me most he said is the conversation that occurs the most in lakewood. A parent calls up a school and says you can not accept yenems child into school that your child is in. There is no bigger churban than this!! dont be surprised if you meet that child on motzei shabbos in J2 because he heard what you said about him. He demanded from roshei mosdos and menahilim who get this phone call to tell that parent to find another school for his child prodigy. Lakewood has siyata dishmaya and lakewood is michutz lederech hateve but when it comes to accepting kids into school everyone becomes an actuary the school has too many kids. Suddenly we leave out hashem from ther equation. He concluded and apologized if he came down to harsh but he wants this to change. 
Lakewood celebrates Tu Bshvat today I wantto make a shehechiyanu on our Peiros one in which no child will ever be rejected again. Leave the money to us. Lets treat our children the way we are supposed to treat our children. We all know each other and care for each other we just have to make it work.

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