It's crunch time now, with the courtesy busing threatened, residents being taxed out of their homes, congestion and traffic unbearable, were we not promised that all these issues will disappear if we vote for the vaad candidates. Why have we not heard a word from the elected officials? specifically the assemblyman who have a say in ye state government. Why the silence from Mr. Rible, Kean, Singer. The vaad scared us to the polls for the last 20 years dangling the privilege of courtesy buying that will be in jeopardy of we don't vote. Well where are they now? The koach of the block vote belongs to the tzibbur for to long yechidim have abused it for personal interests
It's time to give back and fight on behalf of those you claim to represent. Yes it a long time but the tzibbur, has had enough of electing the same politicians again and again with false promises.
It's time to give back and fight on behalf of those you claim to represent. Yes it a long time but the tzibbur, has had enough of electing the same politicians again and again with false promises.