Melava Malka 7 Adar 5777 Motzei Shabbos Teruma Lakewood
-Vort: Hachosson Menachem Weichbrod to Hakallah Fraida Tabak ateres yeshaya Lakewood 9:00 pm-Dinner: Derech HaTorah at the Villas shul 8:45 -Kamenitz Yeshiva annual Dinner Melava Malka at Ateres Reva...
View ArticleCar with Meshulachim flips over at N. Lake Drive
Photo credit TRV newsAt about 10:15 a car driving meshulachim flipped over at N. Lake drive and Curtis lane near Hope chapel Rd in Lakewood. 4 patients were taken to Jersey Shore hospital, B"H some a...
View ArticleTonight: Parlor meeting for Keren Yaakov Yitzchok
A parlor meeting will take place this evening March 5th at 7 pm. At the home of Reb Zalman sorotzkin Rav of B"m Lutzk 19 Olive court Lakewood. R' Yaakov Yitzchok Stern Z"L was a member of the kollel in...
View ArticleToday: Evergreen Lakewood Meet & Greet
Evergreen Lakewood THIS SUNDAY! We're having a big party and you're all invited! Come on down to our store to meet the team and taste their delicious food. Tell your friends to spread the word and stay...
View ArticleThis Sunday: Pesach Suit event at Fino Custom
קח את הלבוש ואת הסוסTHIS SUNDAY! The fino custom Pesach Suit Event is happening at 116 Hillside Blvd in Lakewood NJ! You do not want to miss the custom suit event of the year! Wine,...
View ArticleCedarbridge shopping village up for vote this Tuesday Supposed agreement... reports that Cedarbridge Development is close to reaching an agreement with residents of Pine River Village, on traffic improvements, and the lawsuit against the township has been dropped....
View ArticleTBL- Agreement between PRV and Cedarbridge River Village (PRV) has come to a bad agreement with Cedarbridge and Lakewood Shopping Village (LSV). While...
View ArticleBDE: Mrs. Bina Sugar A"H
Levaya at 2:45 pm 7th street Chapel followed by Kevurah n Lakewood Bais hachaim. She passed away after an illness her husband is Reb Mordechai Sugar shlita from 13th street in Lakewood. She was a...
View ArticleHachnosas Sefer Torah at Somerset Walk shul
This afternoon a Hachnosas Sefer Torah will take place at the Somerset Walk shul starting at 3:30 pm. The Sefer Torah was donated by the somerset walk Kehila and is Liluy nishmas rave Glieberman ZL.
View Article7 Adar a special day
7th of Adar today Sunday (March 5th) was the birth and passing of Moshe Rabainu ע"ה. and also the passing of Ester Hamalka ע"ה. It is a day that has great segula for prayers. It is worthy to put a lot...
View ArticlePurim shopping Watsonsale in Lakewood
The shopping centers were packed with Purim shalach manos shoppers. The competition is obvious as stores are luring costumers and other stores have upped their game. Click on Links for sales circulars....
View ArticleOif Simchas /Events Lakewood, NJ March 5, 2017
-Vort: HaChosson Dovi Kreps (Minneapolis) to Hakallah Rochel Waxman Sunday 7:30 pm at the Waxman residence, 50 Steven Ln, Lakewood.-Vort: Hachosson Mordechai Einhorn to Kallah Bas R' Menachem Mendel...
View ArticleSnow on Purim no Joke
As in previous years the forecast calls for snow showers on Purim. Weather for Lakewood Purim day March 12, 2017- Snow showers High 34F. mph. Chance of snow 60%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches. Shkia...
View ArticleMoadim L' simcha ordering deadline today
Yomim tov of Pesach is right around the corner for those who order with Moadim L' Simcha the deadline to place an order is today March 6, call 732-415-4290 for info.
View ArticleLaw will have an affect on Chasidic and sephardic Jews
Law Targeting Hasidic Jews?Our government is looking to further involve themselves in our children’s marriages! A law voted by the NJ and NY assemblies and awaiting a Senate vote would prohibit...
View ArticlePhoto: LPD officers play ball at Yeshiva Ktana of Lakewood
Photo credit: @Lakewoodactions
View ArticleVideo: Master plan Density subcommittee 2/28/ 2017 Lakewood
36:00 resident questions the members39:40 Frum resident apoligizes to seniors on behalf of the community1:21:00 HH reminds the board who they are here for1:22:40 its not density its a Traffic...
View ArticleHamodia: On Jackson Dorm ban
"The Roshei Yeshiva told us clearly "We need to speak up and have our voices heard" Need to continue the momentum for next meeting Avi Schnall (@Avi_schnall) March 1, 2017Hamodia-LAKEWOOD - Faced with...
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