Shiva info
- הרבנית מרים טריגר ע"ה בתו של מרן הגרש"ז אוירבעך זצוק"ל Shiva is at 24 Irene court Lakewood, Mrs. Tami Reiss, daughter Sitting until Wednesday Morning. Starting Thursday Morning will be sitting in...
View ArticleHespedim for Harav Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein ZTL tonight in Lutzk BM
Hespedim for Rav Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein Zatzal tonight in Lutzk Bais Medrash 9:00 pm at 520 New Egypt Lakewood, NJMaspidim: Harav Dovid Cohen Rosh Yeshiva of ChevronHarv Yitzchok Sorotzkin Rosh...
View ArticleLetter: Lakewood’s LED Sign Problem
Letter to the editor in the JewishvoiceNYLakewood’s LED Sign ProblemDear Editor:Here is yet another example of corrupt behavior that has the potential to cause serious damage to the residents of...
View ArticleLakewood School district sends letter to parents ahead of trip to Trenton
The district is sending 350 high school students to Trenton tomorrow to gather support for more funding. Dear Parents and Guardians,We write this to you to inform you about events occurring at the...
View ArticleOif Simchas/Events Lakewood May 16, 2017
היום ששה ושלושים יום שהם חמישה שבועות ויום אחד לעומר-Vort: Chosson Duvy Kohn to Kallah Malky Fruchter Bas R' Leiby at 184 Lafayette Blvd., Lakewood, at 7:30 pm.-Vort: Chosson Aaron Mechelovitz to...
View ArticleState gives Lakewood school district $8.5 Million loan
APP- LAKEWOOD - In the midst of a $15 million budget deficit, the Lakewood School District will receive $8.5 million in a state-aid advance from the state Department of Education that will "ensure a...
View ArticleMasa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List May 17, 2017
Masa U'Matan Lakewood Rental List of Wednesday, May 17, 2017 HERE 13 pages!
View ArticlePrimary elections: Meet the candidates
Website YosefTravis.comDonateMy name is Yosef Travis, I have lived in Lakewood since 2008 and understand how this town has grown rapidly over the last couple years. I am a company owner and have...
View ArticlePrimaries: Meet the candidate
Website HERE Q & A Heretop Priorities:Fiscal ResponsibilitySmart PlanningSustainable Growth Accountability and TransparencyInfrastructure ImprovementEnlarge Current and Create New Roads
View ArticleNew home construction keeps municipal taxes steady
Lakewood township has a surplus of 29 million dollars in the municipal budget, but the extra money will not be going back to the residents. Officials said they will put they will keep the surplus money...
View ArticleOif Simchas/ Events Lakewood May 17, 2017
Vort: Hachoson Yona Nisanov to bas R' Nochum Lemberg At Ateres Yeshaya hall 7:30-10:30 pmParlor Meetings:-22 Shenadoah Dr, 8pm.Chesterfield Commons parlor meeting tonight 8pm 1 Mindy LnDinner...
View ArticleRav Dovid Cohen’s Divrei Hesped for Rav Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein zt”l
Delivered for the Lutzk Bais Medrash in Lakewoodהספר מר מאת הגאון הגדול רבי דוד כהן שליט"א ראש ישיבת חברון על ידידו מרן הגאון רבי שמואל יעקב בורנשטיין זצ"ל ראש ישיבת קרית מלך - בשידור חי לאלפים בלייקווד
View ArticleLakewood students go to Trenton but can't protest in front of DOE building A dozen yellow school buses made the 45-minute trip from Lakewood High School to an empty lot where Trenton Thunder fans park for baseball games. More than 350 Lakewood school students, armed...
View ArticleLakewood Primaries: Meet the candidates
Avraham Sharaby – Political AgendaControl Building - Ease Traffic Donate HEREPropose a 120 day building moratorium, during which time sensible changes to building planning will be implemented....
View ArticleRoad work
LPD- Road Work: Vine Street & Oak Street, heavy road construction between 9am and 5pm, Expect delays.
View ArticleTownship to lease parcel of land to LCSW
An Ordnance on the agenda for the committee meeting will give the LCSW a parcel of land for a nominal fee with an option to purchase. It is located off the corner of Cedarbrige and new Hampshire across...
View ArticleLakewood family evicted from their home please help!
DONATE HEREDear Friend,Hi, my name is Raphael Badouch, I generally am not comfortable with reaching out to people for money, but after hearing my relative’s story I cannot stand on...
View ArticleTownship gives another 30k per month for extended lakewood shuttle service
A resolution in tonight's Lakewood township meeting agenda gives an additional 30k per month for the Lakewood shuttle service. The contract ends June 30, 2017.
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