Oif Simches Lakewood June 4, 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Chaim Teitelbaum to Kallah Miriam Englard Bas R' Yisrael at Bnos Bracha Simcha hall 1665 Corporate Road West behing Lake Terrace hall-Chasuna: Walzman- Zittman at Ateres Reva hall...
View ArticlePhotos: Meeting ahead of the Giyus Asifa next Sunday at Barclays Center
Representatives meet in Lakewood launching a hasbara and information campaign ahead of the Atzeres on Giyus next Sunday June 11 at the Barclays center in Brooklyn. Pamphlets and articles in English...
IT'S TIME FOR ACTION!Over seven years ago, many of us stood up to the status quo in Lakewood and pushed out a politician that had been in charge of doing favors for individuals that hurt taxpayers and...
View ArticleReflections by David Gruman
Reflections by David Gruman. Ever since I signed up to run for office, people have been asking me: “why?” or “what do you need this for?” These are questions that are not easy to tackle with a few...
View ArticleControlling the Vote by Controlling The Press
When you want to control the voters, you control the media that feeds them information and silence all opposition. The Vaad strength is most of its base are older people with no accesses to the...
View ArticleAmerican Gedolim send letter about Giyus to Gedolim in EY
The Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva Rav Malkiel Kotler signed a letter see below together with the Novominsker Rebbe, Rav Aaron Feldman, Rav Meir Hershkowitz and other American Gedolim pertaining to Giyus which...
View ArticleTonight in Lakewood: Asifa Hasbara Explaining the current Giyus Threat
A public meeting will take place tonight at the Bais Horaah of Lakewood to explain the current situation about the Israeli Draft law. Harav Moshe Shimon Shapiro will be in attendance along with other...
View ArticleFAA: Letter To Lakewood Township Zoning & Planning Boards To Stop Illegal...
Posted by First Amendmant Activist.
View ArticleOif Simchas/Events Lakewood June 5, 2017
-Chasuna: Harris- Jacobs Ateres Reve hall-Chasuna: Kirsch- Helberg Ateres Chana hall Bais Faiga-Wedding: Klein- Herzog N'eemas Hachaim-Sofer- Yoffe Fountain Ballroom Lakewood Cheder-Asifa explaining...
View ArticleTurn Off Your Ringers
Unless you want to get annoying condescending divisive robocalls from the vaad telling you to shut your brain and continue the madness they created. The Vaad spokesman couldn't leave a simple election...
View ArticleNJ District 12 Elections includes Jackson
In a hotly contested race, representing the 12th Legislative District state Sen. Samuel D. Thompson will face off against former Old Bridge Mayor Arthur Haney in Tuesday's GOP primary. The 12th...
View ArticlePhoto: Lakewood Mashgiach Shlita at a Chasunah
At The Helberg- Kirsch Chasunah in Bais Faiga
View ArticleVideo: Asifa Hasbara in Lakewood Explaining Giyus Threat
Courtesy of First Amendment Activist You tube Channel
View ArticleNot Sure Who To Vote For? listen to this plea from a simple Lakewood resident
Polls are open from 6:00 AM until 8:00 PM."I sit in Lakewood traffic everyday, probably for about 2 hours in total - of what should be about 20 minutes max. I beg of everyone who...
View ArticleWhy Is There No Traffic Light At Pine and MLK?
(Submitted)Why was the much needed light at Pine street and MLK in Lakewood never installed?Why is Avreichim shul building at 10th and Madison still sitting empty only with a foundation?Why are there...
View ArticleTen years ago The Vaad Promised to "Restruct"and "Adapt" Nothing Was Done,...
In 2006 The during a contentious elections Bnei yeshiva and Lakewood residents were angry and upset at the Vaad's rule and control. The Vaad at the time put out a letter (see below) and promised to...
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