כן ירבוNJ.com Birth rates have been declining for decades in the United States, causing concern among demographers and planners who worry a smaller youth movement may struggle to prop up a much larger...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood June 26, 2017
-Chasuna: Litt- Kuriansky at Ateres Reva hall-Chasuna: Silverstein- Schwartzman Ateres Chana hall-Chasuna: Neiman- Weitzman Neeimas Hachaim hall-Chasuna: Neiman wedding at Lake Terrace hall-Vort:...
View ArticleTehilim
Urgent: Please daven for Nechama Bas Sarah Devorah a Young Lakewood mother who is sick and now in critical condition
View ArticleToday: Lakewood BOE Meeting
The Board of Ed is having a special meeting the board is expected to extend the position of the superintendentsee Agenda-Public Hearing of the Budget for the 2017-2018 School Year-Approval of the...
View ArticleBD"E
The Levaya of Mrs. Nechama Schwartzman a"h aishes Rav Yitzchok bas Rav Aaron Pam will take place at Shiras Devora 555 Oak street 4:00 pm .TNZBH
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood June 27, 2017
Chasunas:-Chavoly- Quinn at Ateres Reva hall-Horowitz- Trevelo at Ateres Chana hall Bais faiga-Silberberg- Laskin at Neemas Hachaim hall-Gross- Pincus at Lake Terrace hall- Hespedim in BMG Rav Shneur...
View ArticleBridge Over the Lake or Bridge in Brooklyn
For years residents have suggested and floated an idea to extend Sunset avenue over Lake Carasaljo from South Lake to North Lake drive adding another North west corridor to town. Candidate Yosef Travis...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood June 28, 2017
Wenger-Eisnman Ateres ChanaMiller -Freilich Lake TerraceChai Lifeline parlor meeting 1172 Coughlin
View ArticleSecret Density Subcommittee Meeting
From TBLAs far as the public knows, the next Master Plan meeting is on July 6th at 6:00 PM. The Township was kind enough to post notice of that on their site. Here's what they don't want you to...
View ArticleBack To Kashrus Issues
Yudelstake- UpdateThe site will not be addressing anymore the corruption in Lakewood, as we have done for the past 15+- years. There is currently a grass roots movement that are addressing the...
View ArticleHeading to the Catskills? general info
Lakewood residents heading up to the Catskill mountains for the weekend some information to keep in mind.- Sign up for traffic alerts HERE from Roadinform or simply go HERE on your mobile...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood June 29, 2017
Hirth-Choen Neimas HachaimZuckerman-Einstader Ateres RivaMuehlgay-Bilus Ateres ChanaGross-Wilner Lake TerraceBreuer-Bleier Ateres Chynka
View ArticleThe fast Day of Erev Shabbos Parshas Chukas
By Rabbi Yehuda Spitz‘Zos Chukas HaTorah’ There is no mention in the Gemara of the week of Parshas Chukas being one of tragedy, nor is it mentioned by the Rambam, nor Tur, nor Shulchan Aruch! Not even...
View ArticleCounty Line Developers Band Together To Appeal Judges Ruling
After the judge null and voided the 2013 County Line rezoning ordinance (which changed the zoning from residential to commercial) the developers have banded together to intervene and repeal the ruling....
View Articleהגר"ח קנייבסקי 'שיתפללו
במודעה שהתפרסמה היום (ה') נכתב: "לאור המצב המתוח ששורר בתוככי העיר והישיבה בלייקווד שאנשים הובאו תחת עין ביקורת הרשות בבחינת שגגות נעשו להם כזדונות רחמנא ליצלן, ביקשתי שישאלו את פה קדשו של מרן שר התורה...
View ArticleR’ Aaron Kotler to Appear on Next Headlines Radio Show
MatzavThe upcoming show will feature guest R’ Aaron Kotler, CEO of Beth Medrash Govoha, discussing the topic on protecting ourselves in regard to the current tensions facing the Lakewood community...
View ArticleFinal Touches at Rockwell Satmar development in Lakewood
Landscaping is in as residents will be moving in shortly t the new neighborhood
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