Make Sure Eclipse Glasses are ISO Verified
Please be careful if you got Solar Eclipse glasses to make sure they are ISO verified otherwise you run the risk of damaging your eyesight for good. Google it and the 5 brands that are the only ones...
View ArticleLakewood BOE Hires Attorney at 600K salary
At the end Michael Inzelbuch will be the board attorney and the (wealthy) Lakewood school district will be paying him $600,000 for a one year contract see here. School district officials say they will...
View ArticleHere is What the Eclipse will look like When Viewed from Lakewood, NJ div id="Ynf35k">
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood August 20 , 2017
Vort: Hachoson Elchonon Spinrad to Kallah Miriam Necha Ungar at 146 liberty drive from 4:00 till 7:00 pmChasuna: Mendlowitz- Moses at Ateres Reva hall, Lakewood, NJ
View ArticleLakewood Vaad and the Solar Eclipse
Submitted via commentLakewood Vaad and the Solar Eclipse? what do they have to do with each other? Nothing, but considering the vaad's recent reach for the moon on issues beyond Lakewood its...
View ArticleMonday Lkwd August 21 Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul 5777
Eclipse starts in Lakewood at 1:23 and will peak at 2:45:39 pm , when the moon obscures 73.6% of the sun.Solar Eclipse Glasses available in Lakewood at Satmar Bais Medrash 405 Forest Avenue also at...
View ArticleYom Kippur Katan Mincha Minyanim Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul Lakewood
BMG 6:151:15 KZY Rav Gissinger in Ezras NashimLev Avos 1:201:40 pm Ohel Aaron Sharon court Kol Shimshon 1:45 Alumnai 1:45Somerset Walk 1:35 and 7:00B'M Kelmwoods Westgate 2:45 pmBais Mordechai 6:30...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood, NJ August 21 Rosh Chodesh Elul 5777
כי אראה שמיך מעשה אצבעותיך, ירח וכוכבים אשר כוננתה-Vort: Hachosson Yossi Eliyahu to Kallah Abboudi at Stolin Hall 153 East 7th Street Lakewood, Nj 7:30 pm-Vort: Hachosson Moshe...
View ArticleImportant Safety Message
Important Safety message there have recently been some attempted burglaries and abductions in the sterling Place neighborhood. If you see anything suspicious please call 911! local residents are on...
View ArticleReady to Work: Piners Pride Is Back
Office of Lakewood Board of Education General Counsel Michael I Inzelbuch, Esq Email: Phone: 24 Hour / 7day Hotline(Answering Service):TBASunday, August 20, 2017In an...
View ArticleLakewood Township Implements traffic change in Westgate
Six months after committeeman Miller and Township officials held an urgent meeting on Erev Pesach the township has now made North Crest street a one way. Officials were on hand notifying residents of...
View ArticleAfter 22 Years Director takes leave of Absence because of Baseless Accusations
(Business wire)--Lakewood, NJ -Today, The School for Children with Hidden Intelligence in Lakewood, New Jersey, announced that its Founder and Director, Osher Eisemann, will be taking a voluntary leave...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Lakewood Planning Board Tuesday, August 22, 2017 6:00 P.M.AGENDA4. MEMORIALIZATION OF RESOLUTIONS1. SP 2241 Congregation Talmud Torah Inc Pine Street Block 855.01, Lots 21, 34.03, & 37 (future Lot...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Elu,l August 22nd 2017
-Vort: Hachosson Moe Bornstien to kallah Gitty Knobel bas R' Yanky tonight at willow court shul 1445 14th St. 7:30Vort: Hachosson Yaakov Bitterman to Kallah Bas R' Menashe Frankel at Khal Chasidim...
View ArticleElul Zman 5777 Begins Today on Lakewood
The shofar sounded this morning and so will the kol Torah. Elul Zeman officially begins today in Bais Medrash Govoha and many other yeshivos and Mesivtos in Lakewood. The hustle and bustle is back as...
View ArticleAmerican Roshei Yeshiva issue Warning Letter in English for Bochurim When...
Following the arrests of several Yeshiva Bochurim including a American bachur by Israeli Military Police , Roshei Yeshiva wrote a letter warning bochurim not to fall into the army Gius trap. Those...
View ArticleProfitable Lakewood Blue Claws team Sold.
More Density coming to Cedarbridge while stadium plans all year entertainment.Fox reports The Lakewood BlueClaws have been sold to Shore Town Baseball, a newly formed group headed by minor league...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood August 23 ,2017
Wedding: Appelbaum- Weinberger Fountain Ballroom Lakewood ChederWedding: Zaks- Neiman Lake Terrace hallRav Dovid Feinstein at a wedding in Lakewood
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