Halacha of Joining Health care Share insurance
Open enrollment deadline approaching Tomorrow those who cant afford are joining religious based medi share health sharing groups. Some of these groups make you sign on to share in their religious...
View Article3rd Night Chanuka Lakewood Dec, 14 2017
-Chasuna: Nadoff- Shifrin Ateres CHana hall Bais FaigaEngagements: Credit Shidduchim @ShidduchAlerts-Akiva Eisenbach (Chicago) to Miriam Plym (Lakewood)-Naftali Savitz (Lkwd) to Malka Oppenheimer (Far...
View Articleמעדני הפרשה ערש"ק פר'מקץ חנוכה תשע"ח מקץ
בס"ד, ערש"ק פר'מקץ תשע"ח - ידידיי ומכובדיי קוראי ומתענגי הגליון 'מעדני הפרשה' מאת ישראל אהרן קלצקין לית מילתא דלא רמיזי, וכל מה שקורה בעולם מרומז בפרשת השבוע. השבוע נסתלק לבית עולמו ארי"ה לי"ש (רבן של...
View ArticleJustice Dept and AG office Investigating Jackson Township
On Wednesday evening the Jackson council approved a resolution that will allow the construction of an Eruv. At the meeting Jackson township Attorney tells the APP the town is being investigated by both...
View ArticleShabbos Chanukah Getaway Lakewood
For those who are still traveling out of town for shabbos keep in mind the forecast calls for a chance of snow in the afternoon Chance of snow 70%. Snow accumulating 1 to 3 inches in southern half of...
View ArticleIchlu Mashmanim a Special Song For Shabbos Chanukah
אִכְלוּ מַשְׁמַנִּיםוְסוֹלֶת רְבוּכָה תּוֹרִים וּבְנֵי יוֹנָה שַׁבָּת וַחֲנוּכָּה הַאי הַאי בֵּית כּוֹר תִּמְכּוֹר תַּחְכּוֹרתִּשְׂכּוֹר בֵּית כּוֹר לְצוֹרֶךְ שַׁבָּת חֲנֻכָּה בַּרְבּוּרִים אֲבוּסִים...
View Articleערב שבת פרשת מקץ שבת חנוכה שבת מברכים חודש טבת לייקווד תשע''ח
א פרייליכן חנוכה Lakewood Zmanim Friday 27 Kislev 5778/December 15, 2017 Erev Shabbos Kodesh Parshas Mekeitz /Shabbos Chanuakah/Shabbos Mevorchim Candle lighting: 4:14 pmShkiah:...
View ArticleTonight: Traffic Enforcement Ticket Blitz in Lakewood
The ticket blitz continues tonight around Lakewood. Make sure ALL snow is removed from your car and drive safe. Troopers, LPD out in force.
View ArticleChanukah Specials at Lakewood stores and Businesses
-Optical Eye land Grand Opening event at Evergreen Plaza 945 River Sunday Chanuka, Balloons, Donuts Raffle giveaways-Israeli Donuts from Angels bakery at Jerusalem Falafel S. Clifton Ave-Sushi Buy 2...
View ArticleBest Dougnuts in Lakewood?
Are you Wondering who has the best Chanuka donuts in Lakewood? The Voice of Lakewood features "A Lakewood Doughnut Crawl" Visiting 10 stores and bakeries around Lakewood each one with a special unique...
View ArticleOif Simchas Sixth night of Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Teves 5778 Lakewood
-Admor M'Spink Reb Abish Hadlokas neiros Chanukah at 617 W. Kennedy Blvd Lakewood, NJ 8:00pm-Vort: Hachosson Chaim Direnfeld (Monsey) to Hakallah Devora Teichman Bas R' Eliyohu @1436 Fourteenth street...
View ArticleUncle Moishy Chanukah Concerts in Lakewood
There are two different Uncle Moishy Chanukah concerts scheduled at the same time for this Monday in Lakewood. One is at Bais Yaakov high school hall at 1:00 pm with a Magic show and Ventriloquist the...
View ArticleThe Light of Chanukah
Chanuka is here! The yom tov brings simcha and kedusha to all mishpachos. Families get together and spend time with each other. Yeshivos hold annual mesibas bringing talmidim together. Friends and...
View ArticleOif Simchas Seventh night Chanukah Rosh Chodesh Teves 5778 Lakewood
-BMG Chanuka Mesiba B'hishtatfus Harav Yakov Busel shlita Rav Dovid schustal shlita at Beren Hall 8:00pm-Admor M' Spink Hadlokas Neiros 424 15th street between Forest and Madison-Vort: Hachosson...
View ArticleChabad and Toms River in settlement talks over Discrimination Lawsuit
Chabad of Toms River filed a lawsuit last year against the town claiming anti Semitic hostility towards their efforts to build a shul. APP reports that assistant Township Attorney Anthony Merlino said...
View ArticleOfficial Azan Family Fire Fund by Rabbi Ozeri
DONATE HEREPlease note this is the Only Official Page Sanctioned by Community Rabbis including Rabbi David Ozeri.All funds collected from...
View ArticleMatzav: Tragedy Averted after Table Caught Fire
Photo: Matzav.comMatzav.com Exclusive interview.A potential for tragedy was halted last night after a table caught fire from a menorah at a home in Lakewood, NJ. In an exclusive interview with...
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