Lakewood Zmanim שבת פרשת שמיני שבת מברכים חודש אייר תשע''ח
Friday, April 13, 2018 / כ״ח ניסן תשע״ח ערב שבת פרשת שמיני Lakewood New Jersey-Candle lighting: 7:15 pm-Shkia: 7:33 pm-The Molad for Chodesh Iyar is Sunday afternoon 4:37 pm and 5 chalakim -Rosh...
View ArticleNJ Dep Of Health: Romaine Lettuce linked to E.coli outbreak
TRENTON–April 13, 2018 Chopped romaine lettuce grown in the Yuma, Arizona region is likely the source of an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak that has sickened at least seven New Jersey residents, including one...
View ArticleAudio: The Beer Controversy of Pesach 2018
Headlines: Mechiras chometz of Non-frum owned chometz - does it work?with Rabbi Moshe Elefant COO, OU Kosher- 15:15with Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld Rabbinic Coordinator – Food Service Department, OK Kosher-...
View ArticleHachnosas Sifrei Torah Today Rosh Chodesh Iyar Lakewood
-A Hachnosas Sefer Torah will take place today for Yeshiva Kneses Bais Yisrael Rav Yaakov Kokis shlita Rosh Yeshiva lzecher Nishmas rav Shmuel Binyamin Finkelstein zt"l. Kesivas Oisyos at the 12:00 pm...
View ArticleUpdate on Ecoli Outbreak in Letttuce
Matzav reports: The CDC reported a E- Coli outbreak on Romaine Lettuce from Yuma Arizona region. Bodek Kosher Produce inc. would ike to confirm that our products originate from California therefore...
View ArticlePower Outage Joe Parker Area, E County Line
Car accident took out power in the Joe Parker area Customers Affected: 101-500 Estimated Restoration: Today at 2:30 PM according to JCP&LPower outage Squankum and CountyLine area 21-100 Affected...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Iyar April 15, 2018
Atzeres tefilla for Refua of the Matesdorf Rav 7pm at Zichron Yoel 1014 Lawrence Ave, Lakewood R' Simcha Bunim Ben Rachel Lrfuah shlaima-Vort: Hachosson Shalom Karongold to Hakallah Esther Rosner bas...
View ArticleTonight: Summer Zman Begins
The Summer Zman 5778 begins this evening in Lakewood at Bais Medrash Govoha. Although it still feels like winter, Bein hazmanim comes to an end, as the hustle and bustle returns, and the Ihr Hatorah...
View ArticleNWS: Flood Watch thunder Storms
Coastal Flood Warning. A storm system will be affecting the region with showers, gusty winds and possibly thunderstorms this morning. Locally heavy rains may cause urban and small stream flooding at...
View ArticleLakewood Community- wide Siyum for Daf Yomi
Siyum on Seder Nezikin will take place at Neemas Hachaim Hall Tuesday April 17 Lakewood with Harav Yisrael Reiman Shlita. 7:30 pm
View ArticleHowell Planning Board Approves Affordable Housing Project
Howell planning Board unanimously approved a affordable housing complex at southeast corner of the intersection of Fort Plains and West Farms roads off Rt 9. Its a 72-unit affordable housing apartment...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood Rosh Chodesh Iyar April 16, 2018
-Vort: Hachosson Shimon silver to Hakallah Devory Steiner bas R' Dov at Ateres Yeshaya simcha hall 908 E. County Line, Lakewood 8:00pm-Vort :Hachosson Jacobs to Hakallah Rochel Ungarischer west Gate...
View ArticleIsraeli Police Brutality Make International News
The Israeli Police harsh response to protests in Yerushalayim about Giyus Banos has made the international media. See Video below. The story was posted on the front Page of the Drudgereport April 15...
View ArticleCandidates Running Unopposed in Lakewood Municipal Primary Election
Two seats open for township committee. Incumbents Lichtenstein and Miller are running again. You can still register to run as an independent in the general election the deadline is primary day June 5th.
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood April 17, 2018
-Tehillim for the Mattersdofer Rav shlita Rav Simcha Bunim ben Rochel L'refuah Shleima-Vort: Hachosson Beirach Klein to Hakallah Chavi Orshitzer bas R' Binyomin at B"M Ohr tuvia simcha hall 969 East...
View Article280 Slots for Pre-K in Lakewood
PreSchool Registration for 2018-19 in Lakewood is now open. 280 slots available see more HERE call Central Registration for an appointment. 732.364.2400 x7022 x7052Kindergarten registration open today...
View ArticleSeudah in Lakewood on Yartzheit of Reb Shayala Kerestir ztl
Yartzheit Seudah in Lakewood for Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner ZTL of Kerestir It took place at Yeshiva Ktana hall led by the Shedlitz Rav of Lakewood with the participation of other Chasidishe Raboonim.
View ArticleGas Prices in Lakewood Over $3 a Gallon
This is when the gas tax comes back to bite, Some gas stations in Lakewood (Exxon Madison) are charging $3.10 per Gallon for credit. Other gas Stations in Lakewood are still in the $2.70 range (see...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood BOE Meeting
Lakewood, NJ Board of Education public meeting today April 18, 2018. Will take place at 855 Somerset Avenue 6:30pmSee full Agenda HERE.
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