A threat?
HH, tweeted this No point in staying open@ToysForThought is gone if wont be parking downtown.
View ArticleHome sales are stronger than the opposition
APP.com reports on the surge of home sales in neighboring townships and the opposition to it by locals. "Obviously there are some people who are very disturbed by certain people moving in," said Esther...
View ArticleBD''E R' Meir Korbman Z'L
Levaya of R' Meir Korbman z'l Father of RY of BM of central Jersey Rav Yosef Korbman shlita will take place at his sons Yeshiva 12:00 pm located at the Yeshivah 715 Marlin Avenue in Lakewood off Albert.
View ArticleParshas Zachor kriah L' Nashim
Whispering pines ashkenaz: Parshas Zachor L'Nashim 1:25 & 2:00Ohr yechezkel: Parshas zachor for women at 12:30BM Albert: Parshas Zachor for the women will be at 11:10am and 4:45pm.Tiferes shmuel:...
View ArticleGetting past the Iran deal
Pols who voted for the Iran deal are courted by askanim.Rep Hakeem Jeffries in Lakewood
View Articleשבת פרשת ויקרא פרשת זכור ליקוואוד
Erev Shabbos Parshas VayikrahParshas ZachorCandle Lighting 6:49Shkia 7:07Motzei shabbos 8:08 pm (60)Have a great Shabbos!!!
View ArticleMelava Malka Motzei Shabbos Vayikra
Melava Malka B'M Heichal Boruch Tzvi D' Selish 9:30 115 Carey streetB'M Stolin Karlin Melava Malka 153 East 7th 9:15 Zemiros 9:30 Melava MalkaHatzolah parlor meeting this Motzei Shabbos in the home of...
View ArticlePedestrian struck
Pedestrian struck this evening East County Line and Princeton Ave, Hatzolah on scene Pedestrian Traumatic Arrest was pronounced DOA. Chevra kadisha services not needed.
View ArticleFree Ices at Ritas this Sunday
Sunday is the first day of spring and with that comes an annual tradition - free water ice! In a "Freebie Sunday," Rita's is offering every guest a free Italian ice on March 20th to celebrate spring's...
View ArticleLakewood BOE special meeting Monday, 21
Lakewood Board of Education will conduct a Special Meeting, on Monday, March 21, 2016 at 8:00 p.m. in the Lakewood High School Auditorium, located at 855 Somerset Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701. On...
View ArticleYeshiva of South Fallsburg Lakewood parlor meeting
A Parlor meeting will take place this evening March 20th for Yeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe of South Fallsburg. The annual reception will take place at 11 Tori Drive (off Hope chapel Rd) at 7:30 pm...
View ArticleHachnosas Sefer Torah at BM Ner Yisrael
Ksivas Haoisiyos from 3:30 - 5:30 at 7 Devash Court The Procession will leave at 6:00 pm to the Bais Medrash Ner Yisrael at 733 Ridge Avenue. Seuads mitzva will begin at 8:00 pm
View ArticleWeather alert
The National Weather Service has issued a WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY for COASTAL OCEAN, EASTERN MONMOUTH, OCEAN and WESTERN MONMOUTH county, effective through MON at 6:00 AM. Snow expected between 3-4 inches
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