Lakewood School District Bus driver & Bus aide job fair
LAKEWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT BUS DRIVER & BUS AIDE JOB FAIR APRIL 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. BRAND NEW BUS FLEET! 54 Passengers, 19 Passengers with Wheelchair Lift, 24 Passengers & Caravans to apply...
A year ago the world shook from an unprecedented tragedy. Am Yisroel suffered together, and now, BE"H , we will rebuild together. A VIDEO PRESENTATION Rabbi Shlomo Diamond, Rabbi Paysach Krohn...
View ArticleMoadim Lesimcha distribution this Tuesday
The Moadim Lesimcha Pesach distribution will take place this Tuesday April 12 at the Stadium parking lot by New Hampshire and Cedarbridge avenues. Pick up is from 5-9 pm
View ArticleTraffic alert
Cedarbridge & Oberlin. Hatzolah & FD on scene with a MVA with injuries tractor trailer involved. Avoid area
View Articleערב שבת קודש פרשת תזריע פרשת החדש שבת ראש חדש ניסן
Erev Shabbos Parshas Tazria - Parshas Hachodesh Rosh Chodesh NissanHadlokas Neiros 7:10Shkiah 7:28
View ArticlePhotos: Belz Bus shuttle inaugurated וַיְהִי בִּנְסעַ
Earlier report here Lakewood shuttle now serving the new Belz community Photo gallery HERE from JDN. A mesiba was held at the new Belz community in Harmony park with the launch of the Lakewood...
View ArticleA bit to early to celebrate
Last year it wasn't until 2 weeks before chanukah more than 3 months into the school year that all girls were placed in high school. What followed was outrage (The speech) and awareness hoping to bring...
View ArticleShiur tonight
This Sunday April 10 Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi's Shiur in Lakewood NJ, at Washington Square Shul 8:00 pm
View ArticleHachnosas Sifrei Torah today in Lakewood
-At Rabbi Blech shul sefer donated to Yeshiva Keser Torah 12:30 procession from Rav Blech house on Forest avenue-At Ohr Yechezkel ridge area hachnasas sefer Torah written by R' Motty Wein. Ksivas...
View ArticleVideo: Lakewood TWSP meeting Master plan committee appointed
Master plan committee appointed 18:24
View ArticleNisht in unzer machane
submitted via comment.Westgate mafia strikes again! While most of us spent our Friday evenings the way most frum people do, there were a couple of shady individuals who illegally entered Rabbi...
View ArticleTownship removes signs from Pesach car cleaning buisness
The Lakewood inspection Dept removed advertising signs from one of the many chometz car cleaning services run by yeshiva bochurim during Bein hazmanim. The signs for Chometz free car cleaning, were not...
View ArticleThe Civil Illiberties Union Targets a Yeshiva
New Jersey’s college grants set off church-state alarms—and years of litigation. WSJ.comRabbi Aharon Kotler arrived in the U.S. on April 10, 1941, having escaped Lithuania as the Nazis approached. Even...
View ArticleKabolas Panim tonight in Lakewood
Kabolas Panim for Ponovez Rosh Yeshiva at Rav Forcheimers shul 8:15 pm
View ArticleMoadim L'simcha pickup today, weather to clear up
The Pesach Moadim Lesimcha pick up will take place today April 12 starting at 5 pm until 9 pm. The distribution will take place at the stadium parking lot corner of Cedarbridge and New Hampshire...
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