Tonight: Haircuts in Halacha event in Lakewood
At Estreia 978 River Avenue, Lakewood, NJ 7:30 pm
View ArticleLakewood Planning board rejects High rise proposal
App reports the Lakewood Planning board rejected a developer's proposal to build a 5 story office building on Clifton Avenue and First Street. Members voted 8-0 to reject the proposal mainly due to the...
View ArticleLakewood buisness donates thousands of bathing sponges to residents of Flint,...
NBCThousands of bathing sponges are coming to Flint in an effort to bring some relief during the continuing water crisis.Jessica Gutierrez says she ordered the...
View ArticleAPP editorial calls on Jackson officials to defuse tension with LCSW patrols
Editorial in APPThe Jackson Township Council’s unanimous approval last week of a resolution stating that the Jackson Police Department “shall not cooperate with or form any association with any...
View ArticleOif Simchos!!
Vort of Hachoson Yaakov Golding to Kallah Yehudis Alon. Tonight at Cong. Prospect Park. 20 Capitol Lane, Lakewood @ 7:30Hachoson Noach frank to Dina Kohn from Lakewood. The vort will be tonight 8:00...
View ArticleMeeting held to discuss Lakewood busing legislation As part of the latest effort to save Lakewood’s courtesy busing routes for thousands of the town’s students, a meeting was held between elected officials and a broad base of community...
View ArticleTurn on the light
Submitted.Why is the township dragging its feet and not activating the traffic signal at the intersection of Pine street and Avenue of the States. There have been numerous accidents at that corner, it...
View ArticleMasa Umatan Rental list
The Rental List is a very popular feature in Masa U'Matan Click HERE for the current list. Prices are dropping!!
View ArticleAre You A Lakewood Hocker
Are You A Lakewood Hocker Join A Lakewood Hock Group Click This Link or Join Text 848-456-7640
View ArticleDaf Yomi siyum on Seder Nashim planned for Lakewood
Daf Yomi will finish seder Nashim with the conclusion of maseches Kiddushin in 2 weeks Agudah & Daf Yomi commission are planning to host a Siyum in Lakewood
View ArticleOif Simchos
Vort: Chosson Eliyahu Rudnicki ben R' Avruhum (Kensington) kallah, Tzivie Weisberger at Ohr Meir 30 - 5th st reet between Monmouth and Princeton Lakewood NJ.
View ArticleLakewood Hatzolah adds 5 summer units
They should add another 30 but as of now Lakewood Hatzolah has added 5 members for the busy summer season. These new members are not officially on its a temporary addition although they could get on...
View ArticleKokosh cake half price at Hershey's Bakery in Lakewood
In honor of the 12th anniversary of Hershey's Bakery in Lakewood, they are having a sale today erev shabbos 50% off their famous kokosh cake. Bakery is Located at the Grebow shopping center Rt 9,...
View Articleערב שבת פרשת אמור Lakewood, NJ
Friday, May 20, 2016 / י"ב אייר תשע"וHadlokas Neiros 7:52Shkiah 8:10אומרים צדקתך בשבת ערב פסח שני
View ArticleLearning and Tehillim for Refuah shleima
Bais Medash Ohr Gedalya will have a seder limud a shiur by the mara D"asrah Rav Simcha Bunim Landinsky and Tehillim, today erev Shabbos at 6:25 Lzchus a successful surgery and Refua shelaimah for...
View ArticleStore updates Sunday Pesach Sheini May 22
Wholly schnitzle now open at Todd plazaSchreibers shoes & Hatcraft moving to Gourmet Glatt plazaParadise gardens flower shop now open 4th & CliftonJII Pizza opening at new Evergreeen plaza rt 9...
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