Guest Post by HH about the Billboards
By Harold herskowitzThis Thursday the Lakewood township plans on giving away the rights to install five 40 foot high digital billboards. Besides the eyesore, and incovenience these signs will cause...
View ArticleTomchei Shabbos of Lakewood 24 hour campaign 600k fundraiser
DONATE HERE600k for Tomchei Lakewood THIS IS YOUR CHANCE We need your help. Today we have the power to take Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood's work to the next level and we want you to be a part of it....
View ArticleOif simches
Rosenberg- Treitel wedding Lakewood at Cheder hall Mezamrim at a sheva Brachos in Lakewood yesterday
View ArticleNews Links
Lakewood entrepreneurs showcase at business expoKlausenburg Planning Development In LakewoodNew Jersey Adjusts School Funding PolicyBike Blade & Ball Thursday Evening Road RideUber for the air:...
View ArticleNew Bonus goal $800,000 for Tomchei shabbos of Lakewood
Campaign hit goal of 600K in 12 hrs "Wow! We hit our goal so quickly, we can reach even higher! Thanks to an additional donor we have activated a bonus round and every donation will now be doubled!...
View ArticlePhotos
Seen at GG plazaDaf Yomi Siyum in Lakewood photo: A schnallTax dollars at work LCSC event photo: Harold H.
View ArticleTownship committee meeting tonight- speak up
Lakewood Township committee meeting tonight June 2, 2016 7:30 pm draft agenda HERE. 2016 municipal budget to be discussed.Make your voice heard ask for the traffic light at Pine and Avenue of the...
View ArticleDid you get your popcorn?
Delivered to Lakewood residents this week , by Lakewood courier, is a bag of microwave popcorn along with the voice magazine. It's a promotion from Oorah Org for the upcoming Oorahthon this motzei...
View ArticleMasa Umatan Rental list
The Rental List is a very popular feature in Masa U'Matan Click HERE for the current list. Prices are dropping!!
View ArticleOif Simchos
Vort: Hachoson Yechiel Prager to Kallah Yehudis Rottenberg bas R' Leib at Rav Gruber's shul 1014 Lawrence Ave Lakewood at 7:30Vort: Chosson Dovid Yaakov Stauber Kalla Fayazi Bas Reb Doniel at BM Ohr...
View ArticleLakewood Township commitee approves digital signs
Updated bh HH Correction. The scoop and shopper got outbid by a large media company. So now they did this because the scoop and shopper pushed them to approve it, and our town will be a laughing stock....
View ArticleLost Diamond Recovered in Lakewood Parking Lot
Hamodia A diamond lost Wednesday in a Lakewood parking lot was found by Chaveirim after a 20-minute search. At around 2 p.m., a woman called Chaverim of Lakewood to report the missing diamond. The...
View ArticleVideo: Lakewood Resident blasts the committee on billboards
Township committee meeting Resident blasts decision to place billboards watch minute 20:46
View ArticleTehillim for Bochur
Please say Tehillim and Daven for Yehuda Nesanel Ben Basha Baila One of three bochurim Injured last night in a car accident in Brick Blvd and Cedarbridge Ave. At the Lakewood/Brick Border. He is in...
View Articleערב שבת פרשת בחקתי לייקווד שבת מברכים
Licht Tzinden - 8:03Shkia- 8:21Rosh Chodesh Sivan this TuesdayAdmor M'Vien will be in Lakewood this shabbos at B"M Shemen Lemincha 2 Milano drive Brookhill.
View ArticleFire destroys Lakewood home in prospect Park erev shabbos
LAKEWOOD: Fire caused by Shabbos candles completely destroys house in Prospect Park right before Shabbos. VIDEO:— KolHaolam (@KolHaolam) June 5, 2016
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