Video: Williams street closures discussed at Lakewood Utility Advisory commitee
Committeeman Meir Lichtenstein township liaison to the LUA was on hand to complain about the non stop closures by the water company construction on Williams street. Options explored was to work at...
View ArticleWeather forcast for 3 day yom tov of Shavuos in Lakewood
Shabbos- There may be severe thunderstorms developing shabbos afternoon that can bring down power lines and trees. Shavuos night- First night of shavuos, after midnight there will be scattered storms...
View ArticlePhotos: At the Lev Lachim Lakewood/ Bnei brak hook up
The satellite hook up to Rav Chaim kanievsky's home during the Lev Lachim Lakewood asifa did not work, however they plan to distribute video CD's of the meeting. Photo: Kikar shabbatThe Satellite truck...
View ArticleOif Simches
Chasunah: Wedding of Chosson Yakov Newman To kallah Chaya Frimie Berlin Tonight June 9th Lake Terrace hall, Lakewood, NJ chupah 7:30
View ArticleStatement on Chalav Yisrael at Starbucks
Baltimore, MD - June 9, 2016 - In response to the news that Starbucks is providing liquid Cholov Yisroel milk, half and half, and cream in some stores in New York and New Jersey, and the steady stream...
View ArticleRabbi Moshe Rabinowitz ZT''L remembered at the Oorah radiothon
Hear the strory of Reb Moshe Rabinowitz ztz"l, a man who held numerous positions in the community, among them Menahel of MeYeshiva Keren Hatorah, and Rav of Beis Medrash Tiferes Shimon in lakewood, NJ....
View ArticleRav Mattisyahu Solomon delivers pre shavuos drasha in Lakewood Yeshiva
The Lakewood mashgiach, Harav mattisyahu Solomon shlita delivered a mussar shmuez in Bais Medrash Govoha for the upcoming yom tov of Shavuos. This was the first time in a while that the mashgiach has...
View ArticleProspect Park kehila hosts symposims following house fire
Following a fire that burned a home down this past erev shabbos the Prospect Park development in Lakewood hosted various symposiums. Fist the Rav delivered divrei chizuk followed by a counselor from...
View ArticleFlowers for Shavuos
At Gourmet GlattFlowers available at: Paradise Gardens 4th & Clifton, Gourmet Glatt, Flowers next to Capitol seforim 6520 rt 9, Across from Aisle 9 on 10th street, Shop rite Howell, Flowery @...
View ArticleLakewood Links
APP highlights a Lakewood based medical supply business Simcha in Lakewood At a chasuna last night in Lakewood Rav Elyashiv Zt''l Live Satellite Broadcast...
View ArticleTzedaka for Tzorchei Yom Yov Aniyei Ircha of Lakewood Segula on Erev Shavuos
DONATE HERE for Aniyim in Lakewood. Erev Shavuos is a segulah to give tzedaka. A 3 day yom tov is not easy for those that are struggling even if all 6 meals are milchig! help ease the burden for those...
View ArticleOn June 8, Lakewood Township officials blinked.
Even with the current video recordings by fist amendment activist of open meetings there are still backroom deals and important information withheld or not given to the public. A reporter for NJ news...
View ArticleShavuos 5776 Lakewood, updates:
Kol Aryeh Erev ShavuosBMG: Shavuos night learning in all botei medrashim first day Yom Tov Roshei Yeshiva will deliver shiurim after 8:00 pm mincha. Rav Malkiel shlita in the Yoshon B'M Rav Yerucham...
View ArticleZemanim for Lakewood, NJ Shabbos Bamidbar and Yom Tov of Shavuos 5776
כד יתבין ישראל ועסקין בשמחת התורה, קודשא בריך הוא אומר לפמליא דיליה חזו בני חביבי דמשכחין לצערא דילהון ועסקין בחדוותא דיליShabbos Bamidbar Hadlokas Neiros 8:07 Shkia 8:25Shabbos day: Tes Shaos 4:41 pm...
View ArticleNJ opening pre application for Housing Choice Voucher Program
Enrollment Period is Monday June 13, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. to Friday June 17, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. You can only enter online HERE. Pre-applications will be accepted ONLINE only. The open enrollment period is...
View ArticleLakewood Board of Fire commissioners to hold special meeting this morning...
Board of Fire Commissioners of Fire District No. 1, Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey, shall hold a special meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. at the Office of...
View ArticleIsru Chag Shavuos, Lakewood
Tuesday, Isru Chag, most Lakewood schools will be starting at regular time with regular transportation.The Yom tov of Shavuos in Lakewood was celebrated by thousands in Lakewood over 3 days. The...
View ArticleLakewood Chaveirim join search for missing man in the Rockaways
All are asked to daven for the welfare of Chaim Yosef ben Esther Malka.Rescuers are searching by sea and air for a missing paddle boarder off Atlantic Beach. News 12 on Long Island reports that Gary...
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