Gov Christie calls for equal funding per student in NJ
Trenton- Republican Gov. Chris Christie on Tuesday proposed redistributing billions of dollars in educational aid from the poorest districts to hundreds of other schools, calling the current funding...
View ArticleContinued Tefillos
Please continue to Daven For Yehuda Leib Ben Rivka The 12 Year old boy that got in into an accident Motzei Shabbos On County Line rd. He is transferring from Jersey shore medical center to CHOP.
View ArticleMasa Umatan Rental list
The Rental List is a very popular feature in Masa U'Matan Click HERE for the current list.
View ArticleGirls School finished for summer season
Summer has begun and the girls schools in Lakewood have finished for the year. Some schools will have a half day today, playgroups too are over. Camp season begins next week Monday. The boys this year...
View ArticleReminder: Check car seat before exiting your car -new daily routine
With the change in the daily routine due to new camp summer schedule its important to remember not to forget kids in a car. Despite the safeguards in place and safety measures making sure you look...
View ArticleTonight: Evening of support to those challenged with Parkinsons
Sparks of Life & Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim Present DON'T STAND ALONE EVENING OF SUPPORT for those challenged with Parkinson's and their family and friends This Wednesday, June 22, 2016 at Bikur...
View ArticleNot camera shy- Lakewood zoning board 6/20/16
A few members were absent due to medical reasons others filled their slot.
View ArticleFormer NYC councilman slams NPR report on Lakewood
From, James F. Gennaro Deputy Commissioner for NYC Sustainability and Resiliency at the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. Former Member of NYC council.
View ArticleBOE meeting tonight
The Lakewood BOE will have a public meeting this evening. 7:30 pm at the Lakewood high school. Local politicians plan to fast track a bill in Trenton tomorrow that will give private schools control of...
View ArticleOif Simchas
Weber- Epstein wedding at Lake Terrace Reidel- Gobioff wedding at Ateres Chana Raber- Green wedding at Ateres RevaAlon- Golding wedding at Bais Yaakov Dovek- Klein wedding at Lakewood...
View ArticleVideo: DR. Meir Wikler delivers chinuch Vaad to Lakewood youngeleit
The ONE thing parents can do, to insure their children grow up emotionally healthy and well adjusted, and don't end up in a therapist's office._____Reb Meir Wikler, is a Ben Torah, long time therapist,...
View ArticleTehillim
Father of a kallah collapsed during his daughter's wedding last night in Lakewood and hasn't woken up. Say Tehillim for Tzvi Pinchos ben Shoshana.
View ArticlePhotos: Lakewood chaveirim animal control unit
Friends you can count on! Free Ducks trapped in a sewer, clear a dead fox hit by a car or remove a skunk from a window well.
View ArticleLakewood- Photos/Links
-Yarmer Rav at Sheva Brachos in Lakewood with Rav Eli Ber Wachtfogel-Skver Rebbe comes to Lakewood for chumash Seuda and Kesivas sefer Torah-Rav Dovid & Rav Reuvein Feinstin reception in Lakewood...
View ArticleLow flying planes over Ocean county skies in Nuclear drills
More than 12 fixed-wing and rotary aircraft with radiation detection capabilities will be flying low in the Ocean County skies for the next several days, according to a notice from the Department of...
View ArticleLegislature to vote on bill in Trenton
NJ S bill -2049 that will help fix the busing issues for lakewood was released from the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee on June 16. The Assembly Appropriations Committee quickly followed by...
View ArticleOut of control prices
$418,000 for an 8000 sq ft lot, in the Ridge area, the latest amount advertised in the local real estate section. Why are people willing to pay so much? are these prices reflective of the current...
View ArticleRejuvanate Parlor meeting
Rejuvenate event tonight at 1379 Lanes mills rd Lakewood NJ 7:30 pm Coping with a child or spouse that is seriously ill is one of life’s most challenging and overwhelming situations. Day and night...
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