Kent road to reopen today
Today will be the grand reopening of Kent Road. A ribbon cutting ceremony will be held Wednesday, August 24th at 11 AM on Kent Road between Lanes Mill Road and Brown Road in Howell.
View Article11 girls still not in Elementry school
2 weeks before school starts there is so far 11 girls that are not in any elementary school in Lakewood. This is on top of the issues with some girls that are also not in high school and some boys that...
View ArticleShiva info
Shiva for Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Zelinger z"l at 1480 E 24th St Ave O & N in Flatbush Shachris 8:00 pm Mincha 7:15 Maariv 9:00 pm. Till Sunday morning.Shiva for R' Yankel Stern Z''L at 11 Glen...
View ArticleBein hazmanim at the Beach
Lakewood is close proximity to the Jersey shore but for obvious tznius reasons most beaches are not accessible. However there are some spots one can go to during off peak hours usually on the weekdays...
View ArticleLakewood BOE meeting tonight. School taxes went up again
Lakewood BOE public meeting tonight 6:30 pm 855 Somerset avenue Lakewood, NJRead Board agenda HERE On the agenda:
View ArticleBDE: Rav Aaron Rogow Z'L
Rav Aaron Rogow Z"L of Lakewood (Rogov) Was niftar today following a bout with yeneh Machla L''A. He was a long time Rosh Chaburah in Bais Medrash Govoha and over the past few month talmidei hayeshiva...
View ArticleOif Simches, Aug 24 Lakewood
-Chasunah: Prager Rotenberg Fountain Ballroom at Lakewood Cheder-Chasunah: Burr- Steinhardt at Ateres Chana hall Lakewood-Wedding: Hachosson Yechiel B"R Benzion Herbst To Bas Rav Shayeh Miller (Lkwd)...
View ArticleLkwd briefs
Oak street core ordnance passes, resident threatens to sue twsp. APPLakewood BOE appoints new member: Thea Jackson, a public school parent and Lakewood HS grad, appointed to the Lakewood BOE. (Mullen...
View ArticleBDE: Daniel Lansky, a'h
It is with deep sorrow and regret that informs the community of the petirah of Daniel Lansky, A’H, husband of Elana (Zylberminc) Lansky, father of Coby, Aaron and Gabi Lansky,...
View ArticleRav Moshe Cohen ZT"L
Matzav-It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Rav Moshe Cohen zt”l. He was in his 90s. Rav Cohen was a rebbi for many years. He was a son-in-law of Rav Shmuel Ehrenfeld zt”l,...
View ArticleBDE: Sheindel Mashinsky a"h
BDE: Ms. Alta Sheindel Mashimsky A”H, (18) of Monsey sister to Sendy, David, Yanky, Avrumy & Menachem Moshe Mashinsky of Lakewood. Levaya in Monsey 12:00 pm at 31 Dover Terrace Rav Schneebalg shul....
View ArticleMasa Umatan Rental list -August 24
The Rental List is a very popular feature in Masa U'Matan Click HERE for the current list.
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood August 25, 2016
Engaged: Mazel Tov Chosson Stern from Montreal to Kallah Bas Reb Nachum Bergman ( Lkwd) Vort was earlier today.Chasuna: Perlow- Tyner wedding at Fountain Ballroom Lakewood, NJWedding: Zelishovsky -...
View ArticlePolice investigate swastika sprayed in Lakewood playground
Photo: NJ 12News 12 NJ Lakewood police are investigating vandalism on a playground that involves anti-Semitic graffiti. Several swastikas and the phrase “Hail Hitler” were spray-painted all over the...
View ArticleUpdate: Bochurim found safe in Bear mountain after going missing in Bear...
Update: B''H The bochurim who went missing in bear mountain state park were found safe and in good health. Upon hearing the news Dancing broke out at camp Stolin in the Catskills.
View ArticleVideo: Township committee approves Oak Street core 361 units
5:00- What is going on with the Masterplan commitee 15:18- What is Township doing about Zika Virus awareness25:00- why is Township vacating paper streets 1:15:05- Motion to vacate dies will be carried...
View ArticleVideo: Camp Ahvas Torah in Lakewood playground defaced with graffiti
.@Lakewood_PD investigate swastikas found on @LakewoodTwpNJ playground— (((Malei Rikud))) (@MaleiRikud) August 26, 2016
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