ADL concerned over string of anti semetic vandelism in ocean county, NJ
Florham Park, NJ, August 30, 2016 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today expressed concern over anti-Semitic vandalism that has struck parts of Ocean County, NJ, calling it, “an attack on the entire...
View ArticleBenny Friedman at his niece wedding in Lakewood last night
The kallah, Mushkie Bernstein, is a daughter of Benny’s brother-in-law and sister, Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Bernstein of Freehold, NJ. The chosson is Mendel Glazman of Riga, Latvia.
View ArticleBack to school
Uniforms, shoes, Brief cases, school supplies, yom tov shopping, the lists are crossed off and the bank account is emptied, its back to school season. (No word yet on busing hopefully by next week.)...
View ArticlePower outage stores temporarily closed at GG plaza
There is a power outage at Rt 9 and county line Rd in Lakewood. Stores at the Gourmet Glatt shopping plaza are out of power, some stores are closed until power is restored. The blackout is along route...
View ArticleRav Doniel Neustadt appointed Rav in Pine River village Ashkenaz shul
Rav Doniel Yehuda Neustadt has been appointed as the new rov of the Pine River Village Ashkenaz Shul in Lakewood, NJ. The appointment was officially made public this morning. A Few months ago Harav...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood Aug 31
-Chasuna: Hachososn Yosef Chaim Shneur Kotler Ben Rosh hayeshiva Bais medrah Govoha Harav Aryeh Malkiel shlita, Kallah Miriam Baddouch bas Rav Shmuel at Lake Terrace hall in Lakewood. Chupa 5:45 pm...
View ArticleOrdinance No. 2016-40 Summary Oak street Core
"a more affordable ownership housing opportunity for a wide range of income groups while assuring compatibility with, and maintaining the stability and quality of existing neighborhoods"The following...
View ArticleAnother Masterplan sub committee to meet today in lakewood
Please be advised that the Senior Community Needs Subcommittee of theLakewood Township Master Plan Committee will be conducting an ExecutiveSession meeting on September 1, 2016 at 12:00pm in Room 18 of...
View ArticleHow Lakewood BOE spends your taxes dollars
Lakewood School taxes went up on average of $400. The school district Purchased a fleet of 10 school buses two payments were made to H.A DeHart and son one for $790,446.10 an additional payment of...
View Articleעננו בעת רצון ער''ח אלול תפלת יום כפור קטן לייקוואוד
Mincha and Yom Kippur Koton minyanim in Lakewood Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul 5776BMG 1:45 pm in Bais Shalom, Gestetner, Princeton 6:25 pm BM Yoshon, Bais Shalom1:30- Somerset walk and at 6:451:30-...
View ArticleBussing woes ahead of new school year in Lakewood
The newly formed LSTA Lakewood Student transportation authority will be in charge of all state mandated busing for Lakewood private schools. The school years begins this Monday and as it stands there...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood township commitee meeting 2 more paper streets to vacate
Township Committee Meeting Thu, September 1, 7:30pm – 8:30pmMunicipal Building - AuditoriumCONSENT AGENDA Ordinances to vacate paper street known as Horton Avenue, and Bergen Avenue.1. Resolution Of...
View ArticleLakewood weather report Hurrican Hermine
From Lakewood732 weatherman. It could batter NJ costGood afternoon to all. Just a day ago most people thought Labor day weekend was going to be nice with no precipitation. Weather models are suggesting...
View ArticleNWS: Tropical storm watch issued to NJ counties
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood Sep 1st
Photos and Video at the Kotler Baddouch Chasunah last night in LakewoodVort: Chosson Nadoff - Kallah Bas R' Ahron Elbogen at 506 2nd street 7:30 pmVort: Hachosson Yehuda Zev Kanarek ben Reb Shlomo...
View ArticleVideo: Kein Yirbu
After a caller to nj 101.5 stated that Orthodox Jews are having a lot of babies to overpopulate the World, Judi Franco decided to do the math to prove how crazy he is.
View ArticleThe comments that follow the story
Jewinthecity- Earlier this week, in Howell, New Jersey, a four month old baby girl was left in a parked car in 90 degree weather with the windows rolled up, while her mother shopped in Kohl’s with her...
View Articleערב שבת פרשת ראה שבת ראש חודש אלול
Zmanim for Lakewood, NJ Friday, September 2, 2016 / כ"ט אב תשע"וShabbos Rosh chodeshCandle lighting 7:07Shkiah 7:25Video below Dudi Knopfler sings in the Catskills Lekavod shabbosנחמו נחמו עמי -...
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