Lakewood Planing board tonight 6 pm
Lakewood planing board agenda1. Resolution of Appointment – Oak Street Core Residential Development Subcommittee5. CORRESPONDENCE & ORDINANCE FOR DISCUSSION• 18-506 Oak Street Corridor Improvement...
View ArticleLSTA: No bus pass if you don't pay the $150
The Lakewood girls schools have notified the parents they must come tonight to pick up the bus passes for their children. Those who are getting courtesy busing must pay $150 or they will not get the...
View ArticleOif Simchas Sep 6, Lakewood, NJ
Vort: Hachosson Yossi Berger (BP) to Hakallah Sara Baila Kass bas R' Nochum tonight at 8:15 in Khal Chassidim Simcha Hall, LakewoodVort: Hachosson Chaim ben R' Tzvi Tevlowitz (Monsey) Kallah bas R...
View ArticleContinued tefillos for Rebbetzin Salomon, shetichyeh ‘Chayah’ Added to Name,...
LAKEWOOD - “Chayah” has been added to the name of Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon, shetichyeh, the wife of Lakewood mashgiach Harav Mattisyahu Salomon, shlita, as a zechus for her refuah sheleimah The...
View ArticleShiva info
Shiva for R' Chaim Aryeh Gottlieb z"l is at 245 Carey street bet Clifton Ave & Lexington Ave in Lakewood. Shachris 8:00 am Mincha 7:15 Maariv 8:15.Reb Chaim Elozer Klein is sitting shiva for his...
View ArticleVideo: Reporters walk in on a closed meeting of the Lakewood masterplan...
A meeting of the sub committee for the Lakewood masterplan was advertised on the Lakewood township website as an executive session which was closed to the public. A reporter for NJnews and Views...
View ArticleLakewood school busing day 1
B''H all kids made id safely to school on their first day back-Traffic- took close to an hour for carpooling parents-Bnos Melech did not have school today they have no busing-Bais sheindel did not have...
View ArticleIts working! Township cancells master plan meeting set for tomorrow
After reporters walked in on a closed meeting claiming its in violation of the open meetings act, The Lakewood township has now cancelled another closed meeting of the masterplan committee to take...
View ArticleTonight: Tackling the drug issue
Who is pushing it in Lakewood? we have to go after the pushers.
View ArticleJudi's Ride Home: Shan and Toad is NOT discriminating against Jews!
Yesteday on NJ101.5 callers discussed a story about a retailer that won't accept returns from several towns -- all with high Orthodox Jewish populations. Naturaly, the orthodox bashing was in full...
View ArticleOif Simches! Lakewood September 7, 2016
-Vort: Golombeck/Lubowsky vort will iy'H be Wednesday night Sept 7th at 7:30 R' Herzka's shul 270 Miller Rd, Lakewood, NJ-Chasunah: Chosson Duvid Ortner to Kallah Polak bas R' Ari Lake Terrace 1690...
View ArticleWhy is Lakewood township abolishing the rent control board
Submitted.I have a Big question: Why is Mayor Menashe Miller and the township suddenly and very quickly abolishing the Rent Control Board?? There was an ordnance in the last township committee meeting...
View ArticleLkwd briefs
Agudah NJ thanks Gov Christie for non public security fundingHar Haven granted one-year occupancy5 arrested in Heroin drug bustLakewood Police School Resource Officers, Alex Guzman and Steve Nickens...
View ArticleTake back Lakewood – the movement starts now
By: Take back Lakewood As you all know Lakewood has experienced explosive growth. I watch all of the Zoning and Planning Board meetings and I am astounded at high density plans that seem to get...
View ArticleLakewood School busing day 2 Traffic traffic
-Not only the private schools but Parents of public school children took to social media complaining about no show buses for their children.-Pine street was backed up from Albert to rt 9 going north...
View ArticleMoadim L' Simcha ordering deadline
Yomim tovim are right around the corner for those who order for Yom Tov with Moadim L' Simcha the deadline to place an order is this Today September 8..
View ArticleLakewood BOE should have to pay for courtesy busing of private schools just...
NJ bill 3652 was established for Lakewood non public mandated busing. The consortium has no responsibility for non mandated students known as courtesy busing. The bill allows the consortium to use...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood, Thursday Sept 8th
Yarchei Kalla at Shemen L'mincha 2 Milano Dr Lakewood hot Buffet tonight 8:20-Hershkowitz-Fink wedding at Ne'emas hachaim hall-Hamburger- Nojowitz wedding at Ateres Chana hall, Lakewood-Moller- Halpern...
View ArticleShlomo Simcha Carpool Karaoyke around Lakewood
Join Radio host, MC and music maven Yossi Zweig as he drives around with superstar Shlomo Simcha who just released his new album "Ani Kan," the first in almost 9 years. Find out how Shlomo got his...
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