Video: Rav Elyashiv ZT''L discussing Halachos of Gittin written in Lakewood
In the video approx 6 years ago, Lakewood dayanim Rav Eliyahu Levin and Rav Yisrael Knopfler pose a question to Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv ztl at his home in Yerushalayim. At that time there was no Bais...
View ArticleZmanim Lakewood ,NJ Shabbos Haazinu ערב שבת פרשת האזינו
Friday, October 14, 2016 / י"ב תשרי תשע"זCandle lighting 5:59Shkiah 6:17Weather cold Friday night 65 shabbos day, no rain in forecast throughout week until next shabbos chol Hamoedמשה ממשיל את יחסי...
View ArticleMotzei shabbos erev sukkos- Lakewood
Daled minim shuk in BMG open tonight poskim on hand to checkPhotos of Shuk day 2 HERE on Matzav.comstores open tonight motzei shabbos Oct 15Seasons open 9:00 pm- 1:00amNPGS open 8:30- 1:00amGourmet...
View ArticleKosher ground beef at Costco is Non Glatt
Costco has introduced a new line of chopped meat in the kosher section that is under Triangle K but not Glatt.The CRC issued a statement-"Costco has introduced a new line of meat from Tomer Kosher...
View ArticleErev sukkos, a busy day for men
(Submitted via comment)Talk about Erev Pesach the pressure of getting ready for the Seder, making sure there is no chometz, turning over the kitchen, cooking the zeroa, making charoses etc. Men usually...
View ArticleExtraordinary hot weather first days of Sukkos in Lakewood area
Forget the shlock for now its mid October but the expected weather over Yom tov in Lakewood is more like end of August. Gorgeous weather through the entire week no rain in the forecast until Thursday...
View ArticleErev Sukkos 5777 Zmanim Lakewood, NJ ערב סוכות
ופרוש עלינו סוכת שלומךSunday, October 16, 2016 / י"ד תשרי תשע"זCandle lighting 5:56Shkiah 6:14Photos HERE of Erev Sukkos at the Daled minim shukGorgeous weather through the entire week...
View ArticleSimchas Bais Hashoeva Lakewood 5777
list in comment sectionMotzei Tom Tov: Tuesday nightWednesday night:Breslev B"M at 426 6th streetThursday night:-Bais Medrash Govoha at Bais Aaron campus 10th and Madison 9:00 pm-Roberts shul KNA 8:00...
View ArticleChol Hamoed Sukkos Lakewood, NJ 5777
Wednesday 1st day Chol HamoedKeansburg- Amusemant park 2:45 $15 (free entry to park)Giggleberry Fair-Newhope, PA 58 minutes from Lakewood 7325030312Thursday Oct 20th 2nd day Chol HamoedRoberts...
View ArticleSimchas Bais Hashoeva Lakewood 5777
Thursday night:-Bais Medrash Govoha at Bais Aaron campus 10th and Madison 9:00 pm-Roberts shul KNA 8:00 pm (carnival thurs 11:30-5:00 at Lakewoood cheder)-Stolin BM 153 East 7th After 8:30 Maariv-BM...
View ArticleShabbos Chol HaMoed Friday 19 Tishrei 5777/October 21, 2016, Lakewood Zmanim
Friday, rain most of the day.Candle lighting 5:49Shkiah 6:07Weather for Shabbos chol Hamoed:Windy. Cloudy skies will become partly cloudy in the afternoon. High 53F. Winds WNW at 20 to 30 mph. Winds...
View ArticleHoshana Rabba/ Shmini Atzeres/ Simchas Torah Lakewood, NJ
Leli Hoshana Rabba Motzei Shabbos הושענא רבה-Aravos, Hoshanos available at BMG Sukka 7th street and other shuls around Lakewood-Mishna Torah משנה תורה Barditchev Kloiz 9:30-Roberts shul HOSHANA RABA...
View ArticleLakewood planing board meeting tonight
Lakewood township planning board hearing 6-8 pm at the municipal bldngAgenda HERE and below Takeback Lakewood post HERE1. Resolution of Appointment – Oak Street Core Residential Dev Subcommittee2. SD...
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood Isru Chag Sukkos 5777
-Chasuna: Shlomo Weisenfelds chasuna is tonight in Ateres Chana hall at Bais Faiga Chupa at 6:45.- Wedding of Avi Zern and Naomi Hersh-Vort of Avrohom Shmuel Gaz to Rothschild from Lakewood will be...
View ArticleTehillim request
Tefillos are being said for Rav Yitzchok Dershowitz of Lakewood, NJ, who sustained serious injuries upon falling on Simchas Torah and is now in a coma. He is in need of rachamei Shomayim. Signs have...
View ArticleSukkos roundup Lakewood, NJ 5777
Photos, Videos, Sukkos in LakewoodPhotos:BMG- Hoshanos, Simchas Bais Hashoeva HEREVideo: Simchas Bais Hashoeva at Lutzk shul HEREVideo: Yartzheit of Rav Nachman at Breslov Lakewood HERE
View ArticleLakewood school District spends more tax money, goes over budget, asks voters...
The Lakewood township School district borrowed $6 million from the state for a shortfall in the budget. At the same time the district cut courtesy busing and purchased or leased 50 buses and counting...
View ArticleNo more shlepping to NY to buy a Hat
Coat room/Photo: Courtesy NYTIts not only the NY supermarkets that have cone to town but now the Hat stores are coming to Lakewood too. The days of schlepping to the city or Brooklyn to buy a Hat are...
View ArticleTonight: Lakewood township commitee meeting
4 more streets to be vacated. Meeting tonight 7:30- 8:30, Agenda HERE1. Resolution Of The Township of Lakewood, County of Ocean, State of New Jersey,Designating Lakeland Bank As A Depository For The...
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