Zmanim for Lakewood Parshas Toldos ערב שבת פרשת תולדות
Friday, December 2, 2016 / ב'כסלו תשע"ז Candle lighting 4:13Shkiah 4:31Welcome home yeshiva Bochurim for the off shabbos.Toldos Aaron Rebbe in Lakewood for Shabbos. Tish will take place at...
View ArticleRav Yitzchok Dershowitz zt"l
It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Rav Yitzchok Dershowitz of Lakewood, NJ. He was 69 years old. Rav Dershowitz sustained serious injuries upon falling on Simchas Torah and...
View ArticleMotzei Shabbos parshas Toldos
-Telfilos for Rebbetzin Solomon Wife of the Lakewood mashgiach who is hospitalized in critical condition Name for Tehillim Miriam Chaya Bas Sarah.- Melava Malka seudas yartzheit at Bais Medrash Govoha...
View ArticleAudio: Berditchev of Lakewood, creating a better shul experience
Interview on headlines radio show with Rabbi Shlomo Perr the Rav of Berditchev shul in Lakewood. Listen at Minute 67:13We are not different than any other shul every shul is unique and people are...
View ArticleTonight ותן טל ומטר לברכה
Reminder tonight by Maariv Decmber 4 in Chutz Laaretz we begin to say ותן טל ומטר לברכה in Shemone Esrei.
View ArticleLkwd News Sunday Dec,4th
Toldos Aharon Rebbe at Havdala in Lakewood last nightList of Winners for the Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim auction raffle.Photos" Gedolim attend asifa in Lakewood for keren yaldei Yisrael3 arrested for Drug...
View ArticleVideo: Township committee meeting Dec 1 2016 residents of Lakewood are upset...
TBL meeting review There was a large crowd of residents who attended and spoke up at the township committee meeting last week. I strongly encourage you to watch from 12:45 through 1:11:00 where many...
View ArticleOif Simches Lakewood Dec 4, 2016
ותן טל ומטר לברכה-Vort: Hachosson Menachem Meir Rosenbaum to Kallah Bas R' Nissan Schwartz at Madison Manor 4th and Madison Lakewood-Vort: Hachosson Yosef Gold(Flatbush) to...
View ArticleShiva info
Mishpachas Dershowitz is sitting shiva for their father R' Yitzchok Dershowitz z"l הרב יצחק מרדכי בן מנשה ז'ל at 506 6th street between Private way and Forest Avenue Lakewood getting up Friday...
View ArticleBDE
כי עלה מות בחלונינו Sudden petirah of 2 year old Lakewood infant Hayeled Mordechai Posen Z'L Ben Rav Yechiel Moshe נ''י who R"L did not wake up this morning. The Levaya will be in Passaic, NJ. TLS
View ArticleBD'E Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon A''H
אבל בלייקווד Following an illness, Rebbetzin Miriam Solomon a''h wife of the Lakewood mashgiach Y'BLC Harav Mattisyahu Solomon shlita has passed away this morning at Columbia hospital in NYC surrounded...
View ArticleLakewood BOE buses transporting for the LSTA
4 months into the school year some of the newly purchased board of Education buses are now being used to transport children for the LSTA consortium. Over the weekend, kids in Lakewood private schools...
View ArticleLevaya info Rebbetzin Salomon A"H
To listen to a live hookup of the levaya, call 732.806.9090 option 9.
View ArticleLakewood Zoning board meeting tonight
Zoning board meeting Tonight from 7-9pm at the municipal auditorium 231 3rd street Lakewood,NJ See Agenda.See pictures of plans for each applicant HERE courtesy of First Amendment activist blog....
View ArticleOif Simchas Lakewood Dec 5 2016
-Vort: Hachosson Meir Simcha Koppenheim to Hakallah Bas R' Shimon Greenbaum at the Gratter building 100 Park Avenue Lakewood-Wedding: Tevlovitz- Karfiol at Lake Terrace hall-Wedding: Kuttof- Geretz at...
View ArticleReport: Levaya of Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon a''h in Lakewood
From Hamodia More photos below article.At the Levaya in LKWD, credit HamodiaLAKEWOOD - The Torah world was plunged into mourning Monday morning with the petirah of Rebbetzin Miriam Salomon, a”h, the...
View ArticleNichum Aveilim at the home of the Lakewood Mashgiach
Rav Shmuel Yaakov Borenstein paid a shiva visit at the home of the Lakewood Mashgiach Rav Mattisyahu Salomon shlita prior to his return to Eretz Yisrael source
View ArticleLakewood Tax dollars: LIC LDC UEZ
Lakewood Township proposes to merge the LIC (Lakewood industrial commission) with the LDC (Lakewood Development corporation) Those free networking seminars and many other commissions in the Township of...
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